Towards a Global Vision of the Church - cover

Towards a Global Vision of the Church Volume I

Explorations on Global Christianity and Ecclesiology, Faith and Order Paper 234
Edited by:
Cecil M. Robeck, Jr
Sotirios Boukis
Ani Ghazaryan Drissi

 As a part of the reception process of the convergence document The Church: Towards a Common Vision (TCTCV), the ecclesiology study group of the WCC Commission on Faith and Order undertook a wide range of conversations on global Christianity and ecclesiology. This  included perspectives from various regions (especially Asia, Africa, and Latin America), denominational families (such as evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic, and independent churches), and forms of being church (such as ecclesial movements, new forms of monasticism, and online churches) which have not always been clearly or strongly represented in the discussions on the way to TCTCV. 

This first of two volumes offers a taste of the insights, contributions, lively dialogue, diverse perspectives, and mutual exchange of ecumenical gifts between the members of the commission and theologians from  around the world, which took place through a series of international consultations between 2015-22.

The fruit of this work is offered with the hope that it will contribute towards a clearer, global vision of the Church in the 21st century.

Specs: 255 pages; 6x9”; PDF and paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1829-1
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Ecclesiology/Ecumenism
Rights: World, all languages
Price: $37.50    GBP 29.25    € 34.50    32.75 CHF

Orders: [email protected]

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Rev. Dr Cecil M. Robeck, Jr is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God. He serves as senior professor of church history and ecumenics and is special assistant to the president for ecumenical relations at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, USA. He has been engaged in ecumenical work for nearly 40 years, most notably with the National Council of Churches in the USA, the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, the World Council of Churches, the Secretaries of Christian World Communions, the Global Christian Forum, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the Lausanne Movement, and the Lutheran World Federation.  He has been a member of the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) Commission on Faith and Order since 1991.

Rev. Dr Sotirios Boukis is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Church of Greece and a member of the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) Commission on Faith and Order. He has been involved in publications on global Christianity through the WCC, the Lausannne Movement, and Operation World. He serves as a pastor of the Greek Evangelical Church of Thessaloniki, teaches systematic and ecumenical theology at the Greek Bible College, and has been involved in research on Orthodox–Evangelical relationships.

Dr Ani Ghazaryan Drissi is a lay theologian and biblical scholar from the Armenian Apostolic Church (Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin) with a PhD in biblical studies from the University of Lausanne’s Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Religions. She leads various programs and studies at the World Council of Churches (WCC) and, more specifically, the Faith and Order Commission’s work on ecclesiology. Dr Ghazaryan Drissi’s vision allows her to build a programmatic and transversal approach through which she contributes via biblical and theological reflections to the work and the life of the WCC.