Displaying 1 - 20 of 393

Bossey research fellow reflects on economic and ecological justice

Max Weber, a student at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, is currently completing a WCC research fellowship. He took time to reflect on his recent attendance at the World Social Forum 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal, as well as his studies related to economic and ecological justice.

Les expert-e-s invité-e-s à soumettre leurs résumés pour la conférence sur le Premier concile œcuménique de Nicée

L’Institut œcuménique du Conseil œcuménique des Églises à Bossey invite les expert-e-s émergent-e-s et confirmé-e-s de diverses traditions chrétiennes à prendre part à une conférence internationale dédiée à la portée œcuménique du premier Concile œcuménique de Nicée (325 apr. J.-C.) et à sa pertinence dans le monde actuel en rapide mutation.

Se invita a personas del ámbito académico a presentar resúmenes de ponencias para la conferencia sobre el Primer Concilio Ecuménico de Nicea

El Instituto Ecuménico de Bossey del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias invita a académicos y académicas emergentes y experimentados de diversas tradiciones cristianas a participar en una conferencia internacional que profundizará en la significatividad ecuménica del Primer Concilio Ecuménico de Nicea (325 d.C.) y su relevancia en un mundo actual rápidamente cambiante. 

Wissenschaft eingeladen, Abstracts für Konferenz zum Ersten Ökumenischen Konzil von Nizäa einzureichen

Das Ökumenische Institut des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen in Bossey lädt aufstrebende und führende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus den vielfältigen christlichen Glaubenstraditionen zur Teilnahme an einer internationalen Konferenz ein, die sich mit der ökumenischen Bedeutung des ersten ökumenischen Konzils von Nizäa (325 n. Chr.) und seiner Relevanz in der sich schnell verändernden Welt von heute beschäftigen wird.

Bossey students to visit Rome, share common Christian heritage

Students from the World Council of Churches (WCC) Bossey Ecumenical Institute will begin an 8-day study visit to Rome on 19 January, with a full programme that includes lectures, tours of the Vatican, and opportunities to interact with leaders from the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.

The peak of ecumenics

In good weather, I was told, you might even be able to see Mont Blanc from up here. Here on the rising Jura mountains with its peaks behind you and Lake Geneva in front of you. But on a rainy day like this, you hardly had a chance to even glimpse the Alps on the other side of the lake. The day was to include other things than beautiful mountain landscapes, even as the 35 students from all over the world set out to climb new, ecumenical peaks. It was the Dies academicus of the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, with the motto "Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and unity.”