Displaying 101 - 120 of 1296

Les artisanes de la paix appellent à une paix holistique et durable

Une participation importante des femmes dans la résolution des conflits et l’édification de la paix est bénéfique pour atteindre une paix plus durable. Telle est la conclusion d’une table ronde d’artisanes de la paix, qui s’est tenue après la projection d’un documentaire portant sur l’initiative de 2015 «Women Cross the DMZ».

Women’s wellness and mental health as part of the mission of the church – a wounded healer’s balm

I received a call from a friend of mine - we both work as medical doctors and had earlier realised that our husbands, who are ministers in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, had been friends for years —this is one of the reasons that drew us to each other.  She had been attending the February meeting of the Methodist Womens Prayer and Service Union (Manyano), Connexional Extended Executive Meeting. My friend said that the general president, Gretta Makhwenkwe, had appointed us to the Wellness Committee.

The Future of Mission Cooperation

The Living Legacy of the International Missionary Council

This book is a must for academics, pastors, or mission practitioners interested in how Christianity expanded in the 20th century through mission work, how this has transformed into World (or Global) Christianity, and what mission looks like in the 2020s and beyond.

The first part answers two questions through nine regional reports. These reports came from an international study process led by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches for the centenary of the commission’s predecessor, the International Missionary Council, focussing on two questions: What is the understanding of Christians in the Global South mission in today’s world in crisis, and what will it be in the years to come? What hope can the good news of Jesus Christ give to those who are most vulnerable and often wounded through conditions that threaten their existence?

The second part of the book contains five studies of transnational mission networks. Transnational mission networks offer a huge potential for churches and mission actors in their work in a world that is facing many unexpected and overwhelming challenges. How can these networks foster mission, justice, reconciliation, and unity?

Mädchen nutzen Technologie, um stärker zu werden – „Selbstvertrauen ist deine Superkraft“

Vom Sport bis zur Raketentechnologie, von der Kunst bis hin zu familiären Beziehungen – junge Menschen haben sich auf einem Webinar am 16. März darüber ausgetauscht, warum sie eine sichere und leicht zugängliche Technologie brauchen, um ihre Träume zu verwirklichen.

Auf dem Webinar kamen Kinder, junge Frauen und Männer im Alter zwischen 7 und 17 Jahren zu Wort, sprachen konkret über ihre Wünsche und Ziele und ließen keinen Zweifel daran, was sie von den Erwachsenen in ihrem Leben nicht nur in Zukunft –  sondern jetzt und sofort erwarten.

Cómo usan las chicas la tecnología para crecer más fuertes. “La confianza es tu superpoder”

De los deportes a la ciencia espacial, del arte a las relaciones familiares, las personas jóvenes que participaron en el seminario web del 16 de marzo explicaron por qué quieren y necesitan una tecnología segura y accesible para realizar sus sueños.

Niñas y adolescentes de 7 a 17 años fueron los oradores que articularon claramente sus aspiraciones y también comunicaron aquello que las personas adultas tienen que ofrecer a sus vidas no solo en el futuro, sino ahora mismo.  

Les filles utilisent la technologie pour s’affirmer: «La confiance en soi est votre superpouvoir»

Du sport à l’astronomie, en passant par l’art et les relations familiales, les jeunes qui ont participé au séminaire en ligne le 16 mars ont expliqué pourquoi ils et elles veulent et ont besoin de technologies sûres et accessibles pour réaliser leurs rêves.

Les intervenant-e-s, âgé-e-s de 7 à 17 ans, étaient des jeunes femmes et des jeunes hommes qui ont exprimé leurs aspirations de façon claire. Ils et elles ont également fait part de ce que les adultes dans leur vie doivent leur apporter dès maintenant et à l’avenir.

As girls use technology to grow stronger, “Confidence is your superpower”

From sports to rocket science, from art to family relationships, young people at a webinar on 16 March spoke out on why they want and need safe, accessible technology to realize their dreams.

The speakers, ages 7-17, were young women and men who clearly articulated their aspirations, and also communicated what the adults in their lives need to provide not just in the future—but right now.