Displaying 81 - 100 of 194

Reflecting on California groundwater abuse

I live in western Oregon, part of the Pacific Northwest long regarded as a verdant paradise, courtesy of rains and snowfall that can exceed 100 inches each year.  The snowfall in the mountains sustains our rivers through the dry summer.  But our climate has been profoundly disrupted.  Where I live, summers are far drier and hot.  But just to the south of us, this climate change has caused a drought worse than any drought in the past 1200 years.  Scientists call it a “mega-drought,” a severe drought affecting massive areas of the western United States for more than two decades.  

Les Jeudis en Noir: Aider les Enfants à Sortir de l’Ombre à la Lumière

Conjuguons nos actions pour une prise de conscience dans les Eglises et les communautés.

Church Resources For Ending Sexual Violence Against Children

Part of the Out of Shadows Toolkit

Information about the Thursdays in Black campaign, with suggestions for how to raise awareness about the risks for children, and using tools from the Out of the Shadows materials alongside the Thursdays in Black campaign.

Walk the Talk / Dalle parole ai fatti

Tabella di marcia per chiese e comunità per un’economia di vita e per la giustizia ecologica.

“Walk the Talk” si basa sulla pubblicazione del CEC intitolata “Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice”.  La tabella di marcia è un’eredità del pastore Norman Tendis, scomparso nell’incidente dell’Ethiopian Airlines nel 2019. Tendis era consulente CEC per l’Economia della Vita e dal 2017 al 2019 è stato pastore della Chiesa evangelica luterana in Austria.

Norman, come si legge ancora nel documento, “si è impegnato a costruire un mondo più giusto, sostenibile, come una questione di fede. E credeva che fosse importante iniziare nei nostri cortili. Norman ha contribuito a stabilire ‘Rainbow Land’ – un giardino per rifugiati che circonda una parrocchia a Landskron, dove migranti e richiedenti asilo possono riconnettersi con la terra, promuovere amicizie tra loro e con i vicini e trarre dignità dal lavoro”. Dopo il “Piano d’azione per la giustizia ecologica”, arriva ora questo contributo.

Why theology must occupy social media

I see five imperatives for theologians (prophetic, pastoral and priestly), to occupy the social media space, which is currently dominated by politics (politricks), business (including profiteers), entertainers (artists, sports, etc.), economists, lawyers, etc.

New Year’s resolutions: a biblical reflection

The year often begins with making firm resolutions, taken with earnestness and commitment. The following weeks and months are familiarly littered with broken promises and failures. Successful and consistent adherence to new yearsresolutions is, from my experience, rare. To change this pattern of failure, I look to the holy scripture for help.

De las palabras a la acción

Conjunto de herramientas para acompañar la «Hoja de ruta para las congregaciones, las comunidades y las iglesias para una economía de vida y una justicia ecológica»

«De las palabras a la acción» se basa en la publicación de 2019 del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) titulada «Hoja de ruta para las congregaciones, las comunidades y las iglesias para una economía de vida y una justicia ecológica», una invitación a debatir un programa de cinco pasos para cambiar nuestra manera de ocuparnos de la economía y nuestro entorno ecológico.

«Invitamos a las congregaciones, las comunidades y las iglesias a unirse a la peregrinación por una economía de vida y por la justicia climática, a comprometerse a introducir cambios en nuestra manera de vivir, a compartir ideas eficaces y alentarnos mutuamente».

Contemporary Ecotheology, Climate Justice and Environmental Stewardship in World Religions

Ecothee Volume 6th-Orthodox Academy of Crete Publication

The 6th International Conference on Ecotheology and Environmental Ethics – Ecothee-19 – took place in September 2019 and brought together 40 academics, church leaders and activists from different parts of the world. 

This book, published by Embla Akademisk, consists of articles developed in the aftermath of the conference. 

This book is intended as a scientific anthology showing the diversity of ecotheology found in various religious traditions. 

It is divided into three main sections: Theological and philosophical reflection, Ethics and best practices and global contributions. We are convinced that the book and its contributions will help to provide a deeper insight into the diversity that exists within global ecotheology.

Colaboración UNICEF-CMI 2015 - 2021: Ejemplos y aspectos destacados de los Compromisos de las iglesias con la niñez

En 2013, el CMI adoptó una declaración conjunta, “Poner a los niños en el centro”, y se asoció con UNICEF para desarrollar la capacidad de sus iglesias miembros y asociados ecuménicos para (1) proteger a la niñez y la adolescencia y (2) promover la participación significativa de la niñez y (3) su compromiso en las iniciativas de justicia climática.

UNICEF se asoció al CMI para fortalecer su compromiso efectivo con los actores religiosos para mejorar el bienestar de la niñez. Los actores religiosos pueden llegar a los/las niños/as más vulnerables y, a menudo, cuentan con la confianza, la influencia moral y la capacidad para hacerlo. Gracias a esta asociación, se puede llegar a un mayor número de asociados comunitarios conectados localmente.

Esta publicación destaca las actividades y los logros clave de 2015 a 2021.

UNICEF-ÖRK-Partnerschaft - 2015-2021: Beispiele und Höhepunkte des Engagements der Kirchen für Kinder

Im Jahr 2013 verabschiedete der ÖRK die gemeinsame Erklärung “Kinder in den Mittelpunkt stellen” und formte eine Partnerschaf mit UNICEF, um seine Mitgliedskirchen und ökumenischen Partner in die Lage zu versetzen, um (1) Kinder und Jugendliche zu schützen, (2) die bedeutungsvolle Beteiligung von Kindern zu fördern und (3) sich für Klimagerechtigkeit zu engagieren.

UNICEF ging diese Partnerschaft ein, um seine effektive Arbeit mit Vertretern von Religionen weiter zu verstärken und so das Kindeswohl zu fördern. Religionsvertreter können die am meisten gefährdeten Kinder erreichen, da sie oft Vertrauen genießen und moralischen Einfluss haben, was ihnen Zugang zu diesen Kindern ermöglicht. Durch diese Partnerschaft kann eine Vielzahl gut vernetzter lokaler Partner erreicht werden.

In dieser Veröffentlichung werden die wichtigsten Aktivitäten und Errungenschaften von 2015 bis 2021 hervorgehoben.

Partenariat UNICEF-COE 2015-2021 : Exemples et temps forts des Engagements des Églises en faveur des enfants

En 2013, le COE a adopté une déclaration commune, « Placer l’enfant au centre », et il s’est associé à l’UNICEF pour renforcer les capacités de ses Églises membres et de ses partenaires oecuméniques dans les domaines : 1) de la protection des enfants et des adolescents, 2) de la promotion d’une participation significative des enfants et 3) de la mobilisation des enfants pour des initiatives de justice climatique.

L’UNICEF a conclu ce partenariat pour améliorer le bien-être des enfants en resserrant ses liens avec les acteurs religieux. En effet, ceux-ci peuvent aider les enfants les plus vulnérables, et ils possèdent souvent la confiance, l’influence morale et les moyens nécessaires pour agir. Ce partenariat permet en outre d’atteindre un plus grand nombre de partenaires locaux et sur le terrain.

Cette publication met en lumière les principales activités et réalisations de 2015 à 2021.

Aider les Enfants à Sortir de l’Ombre à la Lumière

Ressources De La Vie Spirituelle Pour Aborder Violences Sexuelles Contre Les Enfants

Ce matériel est destiné aux responsables spirituels qui souhaitent ajouter des études bibliques et des réflexions à un problème qui peut être difficile à aborder dans un contexte religieux : l'impact de l’abus sexuels des enfants, et comment nous, en tant qu'église, devons aider à protéger les enfants contre ce mal.

The Africa We Pray For on a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. PJP Series 1

This first publication in the WCC and Globethics.net series on the WCC pilgrimage of justice and peace brings together the voices of 12 young people sharing their vision for Africa.

The collection features work selected during an essay competition for young people which was held in a collaboration of the All Africa Conference of Churches and the WCC. The publication covers important thematic areas for African society, including truth, trauma, displacement, gender justice and racial justice, among others. 

Killer Robots

A Campaign Guide for Churches
Jennifer Philpot-Nissen

Campaign guide for churches concerned about autonomous weapons systems, also known as “killer robots".

The guide is designed to introduce churches to the issue of killer robots, and help raise awareness of the need for Christians to act to ensure decision-makers agree on a pre-emptive ban on the future development of such weapons.

Urgency to act now for climate justice

Participating in the COP26 in Glasgow resembled a reunion of sorts. After the pandemic cancelled meetings of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Working Group on Climate Change and led to the rescheduling COP26, it was wonderful to catch up with my ecumenical friends who are devoted to the work of climate justice.

ZacTax Toolkit

The Zacchaeus Tax Campaign calls for a global tax and economic system that acts like Zacchaeus, the tax collector who repented of his wicked ways, which delivers equity and makes reparation for exploitation and injustice.

This ZacTax Toolkit aims to educate and enable churches to organise around the issue of tax justice, the campaign has recently released the ZacTax Toolkit. It is published by the New International Financial and Economic Architecture initiative (NIFEA), a joint effort by the Council for World Mission, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, World Council of Churches, and World Methodist Council. Funding is provided by Otto per Mille.

Stop Hoping. Start Resisting.

If you try hard and believe in the power of positive thinking, you may be able to take comfort that COP26 provided some hope. But if you remove the rose-colored spectacles, it becomes clear that we should abandon the sentiment of hope and commit to lives of faithful resistance.