Displaying 1 - 20 of 32

Rev. Dr Angelique Walker-Smith: From a Christian Pan African perspective, “who writes the stories?”

Rev. Dr Angelique Walker-Smith is senior associate for Pan African and Orthodox Church Engagement at Bread for the World. She also serves on the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee. She recently participated in a rally and march in Washington, DC, where thousands gathered to commemorate the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington in 1963 that included Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream" speech.

Conflitos assolam Moçambique há décadas, mas as igrejas estão sempre presentes

O povo de Moçambique enfrenta constantes conflitos há séculos, desde os tempos do domínio colonial português e a guerra civil que o seguiu (que só terminou neste século), e agora com o Daesh e, ao mesmo tempo, o inimigo invisível do COVID-19. Não é de se espantar, portanto, que as igrejas do país tenham sempre tido muitíssimo a fazer como pacificadoras locais.

WCC seminar in Mozambique shows vital role of diakonia

The last of three capacity-building seminars on Human Resources and Church Leadership for Diakonia and Development took place in Maputo, Mozambique, 18-20 June. This most recent seminar was for Portuguese speakers in Africa, with participants coming mainly from Angola and Mozambique. The first two seminars - for French and English speakers respectively - were held in May in Cotonou, Bénin, and Nairobi, Kenya.

Kirchen bitten nach Zerstörungen durch Zyklon Idai um Hilfe

Mehr als 100.000 Menschen sitzen nach dem verheerenden Zyklon und starken Regenfällen, die in Mosambik und angrenzenden südafrikanischen Ländern schwere Überschwemmungen verursacht haben, immer noch fest und warten auf Hilfe. Während sich erst nach und nach die tatsächliche Zahl der Opfer und die tatsächliche Zahl der Menschen zeigt, die ihre Häuser verlassen mussten, bitten die Kirchen in der Region um Gebete für die Gesundheit und Sicherheit der Betroffenen.

Churches call for support amid devastation caused by Cyclone Idai

More than 100,000 people are still stranded from massive flooding caused by a devastating cyclone and heavy rainfall in Mozambique and neighbouring southeastern African countries. As the numbers of victims and people displaced are still unfolding, churches in the region are calling everyone to join in prayers for the wellbeing and protection of those affected.

Las iglesias piden apoyo en medio de la devastación causada por el ciclón Idai

Más de 100 000 personas se encuentran aún atrapadas por las inundaciones masivas causadas por un devastador ciclón y lluvias de extrema intensidad en Mozambique y en sus países vecinos del sureste de África. Con las cifras de las víctimas y de las personas desplazadas aún por definir, las iglesias de la región están pidiendo a todos que se unan para orar por el bienestar y la protección de los afectados.