Displaying 1 - 20 of 47

À New York, l’esprit des Jeudis en noir fleurit

Si vous vous promenez dans les rues de New York, vous remarquerez peut-être qu’une couleur domine toutes les autres: le noir. Dans cette ville qui compte parmi les capitales internationales de la mode, les habitant-e-s veulent montrer leur audace, leur sens de la mode et à quel point elles et ils sont branché-e-s


With boldness of faith, joy and peace, Pan African women hold “Ubuntu” gathering

Women of faith who are African or of African descent held a powerful recent gathering, Ubuntu: Remembrance, Diversity, and Advocacy in Unity Now!” in which they shared their call to action with a sense of Sankofa, or a season of now while looking back and forward. The event was organized by the Pan African Women’s Ecumenical Empowerment Network (PAWEEN) and Pan African Women of Faith (PAW).

31 Days of Prayer begins for incarcerated women and girls around the world

In the month of March, the World Council of Churches is encouraging its fellowship and partners to join the Lott Carey “31 Days of Prayer for Women’s Empowerment,” which is also the 9th Anniversary Global Women’s Prayer Guide. The guide features 31 days of prayer for incarcerated women and girls around the world.

“United Methodists Stand Against Racism” campaign offers array of actions

In a campaign called simply “United Methodists Stand Against Racism,” the United Methodist Church is offering an array of worship opportunities, prayer gatherings, practical suggestions and other resources.

“We recognize racism as a sin,” reads a statement introducing the campaign. “We commit to challenging unjust systems of power and access.”

Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians: ‘Mama, Mama... I Can’t Breathe!’

The Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians published a statement entitled “Mama, Mama…I Can’t Breathe!” that expresses heartbreak over the death of George Floyd at the hands of a policeman.

“Floyd pleaded for his life to no avail until he finally succumbed to death,” reads the statement. “The community has been pleading, ‘Black Lives Matter.’ ”

Women bishops offer candid look at what drives their leadership

Bishop Mary Ann Swenson, a retired United Methodist bishop from the USA, has spent her career voicing the need for a church that includes all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity. And, throughout her career, she’s never been afraid to say that out loud.

Forum on Modern Slavery: “Liberate them from tyranny and exploitation”

In an opening address at a Forum on Modern Slavery in Istanbul on 7 January, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew spoke on “Awareness, Action and Impact.” After many centuries of progress and advancement, we still live in a world where injustice and slavery continue to thrive, and where human dignity is exchanged for the sole purpose of greed, gain, and profit, reflected Bartholomew.

#WCC70: Kinder in der ökumenischen Bewegung

Viele ökumenische Pioniere, darunter der ehemalige ÖRK-Generalsekretär Philip Potter, waren in einem gewissen Sinne ein Produkt der Sonntagsschulbewegung. Ulrich Becker erzählt eine Geschichte, die in Vergessenheit zu drohen scheint.

#WCC70: Children in the Ecumenical Movement

Many ecumenical pioneers, including former WCC general secretary Philip Potter, were in a sense a product of the Sunday School movement. Ulrich Becker tells a story that seems to be in danger of being forgotten.

#WCC70: Los niños en el movimiento ecuménico

Muchos pioneros ecuménicos, entre ellos el exsecretario general del CMI, Philip Potter, fueron en cierto modo producto del movimiento de la escuela dominical. Ulrich Becker cuenta una historia que parece correr el peligro de ser olvidada.

#WCC70: Les enfants dans le mouvement œcuménique

Bon nombre de pionniers de l’œcuménisme, dont l’ancien secrétaire général du COE Philip Potter, furent en un sens un produit du mouvement des écoles du dimanche. Ulrich Becker raconte une histoire qui risquerait de tomber dans l’oubli.

Canadian churches celebrate WCC’s 70th anniversary

The Atlantic School of Theology in Nova Scotia, Canada, celebrated the 70th anniversary of the WCC on 22 November at a chapel service. Also in Canada, the Canadian Council of Churches Governing Board members were pleased to hear from WCC representatives during their meeting in Ontario from 21-23 November.

#WCC70: Die Saat der Ökumene

Während eines Gesprächs auf der Heimreise nach Chile nach Beendigung der Vierten ÖRK-Vollversammlung wurde eine ökumenische Saat gepflanzt, die zu eine bereichernden Erfahrung christlicher Einheit herangewachsen ist - die Partnerschaftsvereinbarung zwischen der Pfingstkirche in Chile und der Vereinigten Kirche Christi.