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Privée de carte d’identité à Jérusalem, Samyah, 26 ans, déclare: «j’ai perdu mon droit à mener une vie normale»

La jeune Samyah*, âgée de 26 ans, n’a pas de carte d’identité palestinienne ni israélienne. Née en Cisjordanie, elle détenait une carte d’identité de Jérusalem du nom de son père qui a été révoquée. Elle a appris la révocation à l’âge de 16 ans, alors qu’elle pensait pouvoir partir en voyage scolaire en Suisse. Ce ne fut pas le cas. Depuis, Samyah et sa famille luttent pour qu’elle obtienne une nouvelle carte d’identité de Jérusalem.

With no ID card in Jerusalem, 26-year-old says “I lost my right to live a normal life”

Twenty-six-year-old Samyah* has no ID card—not Palestinian or Israeli. Born in the West Bank, she once had a Jerusalem ID card after her father but it was revoked. She found out about the revocation when she was 16 and thought had the opportunity to travel with her school to Switzerland. She could not travel. Since then, Samyah and her family have been struggling to regain her Jerusalem ID card.

WCC, Religions for Peace will release joint message on statelessness: “Belonging—Affirmations for Faith Leaders’

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and Religions for Peace will issue on 9 May a joint message on statelessness, Belonging—Affirmations for Faith Leaders”.

The document is one of the most recent fruits of WCC work that has been ongoing for more than a decade around the issue of statelessness. It is currently available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.



Genèse du document

Reconnaissant que nous vivons tous dans des sociétés plurireligieuses, les responsables des Églises africaines se sont rassemblés à Addis-Abeba, en Éthiopie, à l’occasion de l’atelier régional «Enregistrement des naissances et législations sexistes en matière de nationalité en Afrique» de la Commission des Églises pour les affaires internationales (CEAI) du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) et ont souligné l’importance de stratégies et d’affirmations interreligieuses dans notre travail de plaidoyer en faveur des droits de la personne des apatrides.

WCC Programmes

Belonging - Affirmations for Faith Leaders


Genesis of the document

Recognising that we all live in multi-religious societies, African church leaders gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, during the 2016 World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) regional workshop on “Birth Registration and Gender Discriminatory Nationality Laws in Africa”, stressed the need to develop inter-faith strategies and affirmations in our advocacy work for the human rights of stateless people.

WCC Programmes

On UN International Day of Conscience, WCC officially releases volume “I Belong”

On the UN International Day of  Conscience, 5 April, the World Council of Churches (WCC) releases a new volume of I Belong – Biblical Reflections on Statelessness”. The day highlights the need for the creation of conditions of stability, peaceful coexistence, respect for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, language or religion.

Webinar “Realizing Equal Nationality Rights for All”

04 November 2021

A webinar on 4 November, Realizing Equal Nationality Rights for All,” will consider that an estimated 15 million people worldwide are stateless—having no country that considers them to be a national by operation of law.
