The affirmations, developed by the WCC in collaboration with various religious scholars and Religions for Peace, are an invitation by various religious traditions to uphold and assert some basic principles that all faith communities can affirm in common when it comes to serving and protecting stateless people.
Statelessness is a legal anomaly, and also the antonym of nationality. Discrimination is the main cause for statelessness, whether it is gender-based discrimination, or racially or religiously motivated discrimination. When nationality becomes racialized, history has shown us that states sometimes deprive communities of their right to a nationality. Likewise, religious nationalism has also been a reason to ostracise entire communities. Consequently, discrimination resulting in statelessness is both a cause and a product of displacement.
What do religious traditions have to teach us about belongingness? About non discrimination?
Moderator: Peter Prove, WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs director
- Ekaterina E., United Stateless
- Sam Mosallai, UNHCR
- Prof. Anantanand Rambachan, Saint Olaf College and Religions for Peace
- Rev. Dr Hans Ucko, Church of Sweden
Register here to join this webinar live, 20 June, 3 pm CEST
WCC, Religions for Peace joint message on statelessness: “Belonging—Affirmations for Faith Leaders’