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Le COE appelle à la paix au Manipur, État indien frappé par des violences ethniques et communautaires

Le secrétaire général du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), le pasteur Jerry Pillay, se dit profondément préoccupé par les violences ethniques et communautaires persistantes qui ont éclaté la semaine dernière dans l’État du Manipur, au nord-est de l’Inde, impliquant la communauté Meitei, à majorité hindoue, et les communautés tribales de Naga et Kuki, à majorité chrétienne.

Éclairer la vie de beaucoup

L’évêque Isaac Mar Philoxenos, membre du Comité central du COE, a partagé un exemple de « l’amour de Dieu en action » lors d’une réunion confessionnelle.

Lighting the lives of many

Empowering underprivileged women and their children to alleviate poverty was the main topic of one of the confessional meetings held during the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee meeting in mid-June.

WCC offers prayer during Japanese peace conference

Rev. Prof. Dr Fernando Enns, on behalf of the World Council of Churches (WCC), presented a prayer in an interfaith setting during the 7th Global Interreligious Conference on Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution, held 9 March in Okinawa.

WCC condemns violence in India - and calls for justice

The death of a father and son in police custody last week in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu has caused outrage and protest in the state. Family members and friends of the victims have accused the police of subjecting them to torture while they were in custody.

In Japan, theologians reflect on today’s global manifestations of racism

Twenty-five ecumenical theologians and leaders gathered for public lectures coordinated by the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Tokyo, Japan, on 17 September under the theme “Global Manifestations of Racism Today”.

Lectures and responses reflected on racism as a major concern of the ecumenical movement. Reflections focused on understanding global manifestations of racism today, and reaffirming the intersection of race and ethnicity with other determining characteristics.

Politicization of religion and vice versa threatens Asian harmony

Under the topic “Politicisation of Religion and Religionization of Politics in Asia”, the Christian Conference of Asia’s (CCA) general secretary Dr Mathews George Chunakara shared serious concerns about emerging trends where religions are used for political power gains and vice versa.

WCC calls for prayer for flood-stricken Kerala, India

As the worst flooding in half a century struck the southern India state of Kerala, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit called for prayers for those affected and for those responding, and expressed his sympathy for those who have lost loved ones in the disaster.

#WCC70: Remembering Orissa

In 2018 we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the WCC. In order to create a lively first-hand account of the ecumenical fellowship and of our shared journey, the WCC general secretary has invited all member churches to contribute stories, which we will bring to you throughout the coming year. The first story in our series was written by Gerard Willemsen, international director of the Uniting Church in Sweden.

#WCC70 : Souvenir de l'Odisha

En 2018, nous célébrons le 70e anniversaire du Conseil œcuménique des Églises. Dans l'objectif d'offrir un témoignage vivant de la fraternité œcuménique et de notre cheminement commun, le Pasteur Olav Fykse Tveit, Secrétaire général du COE, a invité l'ensemble des Églises membres à soumettre leurs histoires ; différents récits que nous partagerons avec vous tout au long de l'année. La première histoire de notre série a été écrite par Gerard Willemsen, directeur international de l'Église unie de Suède.