Displaying 1 - 20 of 36

Les partenaires œcuméniques exhortent les gouvernements à agir pour prévenir la fistule obstétricale

Dans le cadre des débats de la 52e session du Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies sur les droits humains et la fistule obstétricale, le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) et ses partenaires œcuméniques ont appelé les gouvernements à porter une plus grande attention à la prévention de la fistule obstétricale dans leurs politiques, leurs plans stratégiques et leurs budgets.

As transboundary water dispute over Nile River worsens, WCC calls for prayers for peace

As tension grows in the long-running regional dispute over a giant dam built by Ethiopia on the Blue Nile, one of the Nile Rivers main tributaries, World Council of Churches (WCC) acting general secretary, Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Sauca appealed to all WCC member churches in Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan and around the world to pray for a peaceful solution to the problem.

On 8th independence anniversary, South Sudanese church leaders amplify hope for peace

South Sudanese church leaders continued to amplify hope for their country, as the people quietly marked the 8th Independence Day, without an official government celebration.
The world’s newest nation which became an independent state on 9 July 2011, is facing enormous challenges including insecurity, economic stagnation and famine due to a new conflict.

WCC seminar in Mozambique shows vital role of diakonia

The last of three capacity-building seminars on Human Resources and Church Leadership for Diakonia and Development took place in Maputo, Mozambique, 18-20 June. This most recent seminar was for Portuguese speakers in Africa, with participants coming mainly from Angola and Mozambique. The first two seminars - for French and English speakers respectively - were held in May in Cotonou, Bénin, and Nairobi, Kenya.

Ecumenical groups join in UN forum on business and human rights in Geneva

The huge impacts of businesses on the communities in which they operate often bring benefits, but companies can disregard and even harm people’s rights in pursuit of economic gain. The WCC, ACT Alliance and the Lutheran World Federation hosted a side event at the 6th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva on 28 November, in this context.

«La nourriture est un don du ciel» - Le COE lance un appel à une Journée mondiale de prière pour mettre fin à la famine

Alors que le nombre de personnes souffrant de la faim n'a jamais été aussi élevé dans l'histoire moderne, le COE et la Conférence des Églises de toute l'Afrique, aux côtés d'un certain nombre de réseaux et de partenaires confessionnels, lancent un appel à une Journée mondiale de prière pour mettre fin à la famine le 21 mai 2017, et ce, en réponse à la crise alimentaire.