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Ihr Engagement in internationalen Angelegenheiten hat die Kirchen in die Lage versetzt, entschieden gegen Ungerechtigkeiten Stellung zu beziehen

Das 58. Treffen der Kommission der Kirchen für internationale Angelegenheiten (CCIA) des Ökumenischen Rats der Kirchen (ÖRK), das im Jahr des 75-jährigen Bestehens der Kommission Vertreter in Johannesburg und online zusammenbrachte,  stellte zum Abschluss fest, dass diese seit der letzten ÖRK-Vollversammlung in Busan das Engagement der Kirchen in vielen für die Welt kritischen Bereichen unterstützt habe.

Engagement in international affairs has enabled churches to take a firm stand against injustices

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) has facilitated churchesengagement in a wide range of critical issues of the world since the last WCC Assembly in Busan, concluded the 58th meeting of the WCC CCIA, gathering church representatives in Johannesburg and online in the 75th anniversary year of the Commission’s creation.

ÖRK-Delegation trifft sich mit Südafrikas Präsident Ramaphosa

Am 9. Dezember hat sich eine Delegation unter der Leitung von Pastor Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), mit dem südafrikanischen Präsidenten Cyril Ramaphosa und Mitgliedern seines Kabinetts in Johannesburg in Südafrika getroffen.

Churches in southern Africa stand against violence, xenophobia

Churches across southern Africa are publicly saying #EnoughIsEnough,” with many denominations and congregations continuing to issue strong statements, arrange special prayer events, and speak out against rising levels of violence.

Both the Dutch Reformed Church and the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa (UPCSA) have been discussing gender justice and how to keep the momentum going on the unprecedented public demand for change.

„Die Liebe wird einen Weg finden“

Auf einem Symposium am 23. August an der Protestantischen Theologischen Universität Amsterdam äußerten sich Führungspersonen des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) zum Thema „Gastfreundschaft: Auf einem Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens“.

“Love will find a way”

World Council of Churches leaders spoke on the theme “Hospitality: On a Pilgrim’s Way of Justice and Peace" at a symposium on 23 August at the Protestant Theological University Amsterdam.

Rev. Frank Chikane: Working together to heal wounds of conflict

‘Walking, praying and working together’ was the theme of Pope Francis’ 21 June visit to Geneva to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC). Among those listening to the Pope's words was Pentecostal pastor Rev. Frank Chikane, one of the leaders of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.

Ideas and advocacy of Brigalia Bam still vibrant today

Most South Africans know of Brigalia Bam as chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), where she served from 1999 to 2011. Previously secretary general of the South African Council of Churches, and already an IEC commissioner, she was chosen by then-President Nelson Mandela from the list of parliamentary nominees for this critical role. In a country that had recently been on the brink of racial civil war, she guided South Africans with humour, tolerance and impartiality along the path of inclusive democracy.