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Mit seinem Solidaritätsbesuch im Sudan stärkt der ÖRK das Fundament für einen Frieden

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen hat eine Delegation geleitet, die vom 18.–22. April den Sudan besucht hat. Zu dieser ökumenischen Gruppe gehörten der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK), die Gesamtafrikanische Kirchenkonferenz, das ACT-Bündnis, die Vereinigung der Bischofskonferenzen Ostafrikas Global Ministries, die Gemeinschaft christlicher Räte und Kirchen in den Großen Seen und am Horn von Afrika, das General Board of Global Ministries der Vereinigten Methodistischen Kirche und die Norwegische Kirchenhilfe.

In solidarity visit to Sudan, WCC strengthens foundations for peace

The World Council of Churches led a delegation on a visit to Sudan from 18-22 April. The ecumenical group included the World Council of Churches (WCC), All Africa Conference of Churches, ACT Alliance, Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa Global Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa, General Board Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, and Norwegian Church Aid. 

As floods strike East Africa, church officials fear nature is hitting back

As climate change induced floods terrorize communities in East Africa, clerics and officials here fear that nature was hitting back.

Floods have struck Kenya and Tanzania, leaving behind a trail of death, destruction, and displacement. Floods are most intense in some of the same areas previously struck by a lengthy drought described by the UN as the worst in four decades.

Is health the same for all?

To guarantee the right to health, we need to understand the meaning of health. WHO defined it in 1948 as a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity wellness, but there is another definition that I like better. 

Ein Tisch, an dem alle Platz haben

Unter dem Motto „That the World May Know“ (Dass die Welt wissen möge) begann am Dienstag, den 16. April, in Accra, Ghana, die Vierte Globale Versammlung des Globalen Christlichen Forums (GCF).

A table with space for everyone

Under the theme “That the World May Know”, the Global Christian Forum (GCF) kicks off its Fourth Global Gathering, in Accra, Ghana, on Tuesday, 16 April.