Displaying 1 - 20 of 48

“United Methodists Stand Against Racism” campaign offers array of actions

In a campaign called simply “United Methodists Stand Against Racism,” the United Methodist Church is offering an array of worship opportunities, prayer gatherings, practical suggestions and other resources.

“We recognize racism as a sin,” reads a statement introducing the campaign. “We commit to challenging unjust systems of power and access.”

Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians: ‘Mama, Mama... I Can’t Breathe!’

The Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians published a statement entitled “Mama, Mama…I Can’t Breathe!” that expresses heartbreak over the death of George Floyd at the hands of a policeman.

“Floyd pleaded for his life to no avail until he finally succumbed to death,” reads the statement. “The community has been pleading, ‘Black Lives Matter.’ ”

Women bishops offer candid look at what drives their leadership

Bishop Mary Ann Swenson, a retired United Methodist bishop from the USA, has spent her career voicing the need for a church that includes all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity. And, throughout her career, she’s never been afraid to say that out loud.

Leitende von fünf weltweiten christlichen Gemeinschaften an ökumenischem Gottesdienst versammelt

(Kommunikation LWB) – Mit einem ökumenischen Gottesdienst in der Herz-Jesu-Basilika der Notre Dame-Universität (Indiana, USA) ist eine viertägige Konferenz unter Beteiligung von fünf weltweiten christlichen Gemeinschaften eröffnet worden, die sich mit der historischen Bedeutung der Gemeinsamen Erklärung zur Rechtfertigungslehre (GE) und ihrer Relevanz für das Streben nach voller, sichtbarer Einheit der Kirche auseinandersetzt.

Leaders of five Christian World Communions attend ecumenical prayer service

(LWF Communication) – An ecumenical prayer service in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, United States, marked the opening of a four-day consultation of five Christian World Communions discussing the historic importance of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) and its impact on the search for full, visible unity of the church.

Dirigentes de cinco comuniones cristianas mundiales participan en un servicio ecuménico de oración

(Comunicación de la FLM) – Un servicio ecuménico de oración en la Basílica del Sagrado Corazón de la Universidad de Nuestra Dama en Indiana (Estados Unidos) marcó el inicio de una consulta de cinco comuniones cristianas mundiales reunidas durante cuatro días para examinar la importancia histórica de la Declaración conjunta sobre la doctrina de la justificación (DCDJ) y su impacto en la búsqueda de la unidad plena y visible de la iglesia.

“Dear white Christians: what now?”

Hundreds of people gathered, then hundreds more, the crowd growing and marching in silence to the beat of a drum as dawn broke on 4 April, 50 years to the day since Rev. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., was murdered in Memphis, Tennessee.