Displaying 1 - 20 of 50

Clone of Oración mundial por la paz

22 March 2023

La oración mundial por la paz, el 22 de marzo, unirá a los cristianos para orar por la paz y promover la paz, movidos por la esperanza en un futuro mejor. 


Oración mundial por la paz

22 March 2023

La oración mundial por la paz, el 22 de marzo, unirá a los cristianos para orar por la paz y promover la paz, movidos por la esperanza en un futuro mejor. 


Clone of Weltweites Friedensgebet

22 March 2023

Ein weltweites Friedensgebet am 22. März soll christliche Gläubige zum Gebet und zu Fürsprachearbeit für Frieden und in der Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft zusammenbringen. 


Weltweites Friedensgebet

22 March 2023

Ein weltweites Friedensgebet am 22. März soll christliche Gläubige zum Gebet und zu Fürsprachearbeit für Frieden und in der Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft zusammenbringen. 


Global Peace Prayer

22 March 2023

A Global Peace Prayer on 22 March will draw Christians together into prayer and advocacy for peace, and in hope for a better future. 


Perspectivas cristianas sobre la dignidad humana y los derechos humanos

11 April 2022

Como parte de la conferencia internacional que se celebrará del 9 al 12 de abril en Wuppertal (Alemania), el debate en línea del 11 de abril reflexionará sobre los desafíos para una visión común de las iglesias sobre los derechos humanos en la actualidad uniendo perspectivas bíblicas, teológicas y prácticas sobre la dignidad humana.

Wuppertal, Alemania / online

Christliche Perspektiven zu menschlicher Würde und Menschenrechten

11 April 2022

Als Teil der internationalen Konferenz, die vom 9. bis 12. April in Wuppertal in Deutschland stattfinden wird, wird die virtuelle Podiumsdiskussion die Herausforderungen einer gemeinsamen Vision von Kirchen zu Menschenrechten in der Gegenwart reflektieren und biblische, theologische und praktische Perspektiven zu menschlicher Würde zusammenbringen.

Wuppertal, Deutschland / online

Christian Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human Rights

11 April 2022

Part of the international conference held on 9-12 April in Wuppertal, Germany, the online panel discussion on 11 April will reflect on the challenges for a common vision of churches on human rights today, bringing together biblical, theological and practical perspectives on human dignity.

Wuppertal, Germany / online

Rethinking Ecological Relationships in the Anthropocene era

11 - 13 February 2021

In the age of the Anthropocene, humans as the dominant species are driving significant and even irreversible environmental changes, thereby shaping the future of all living beings and our only planetary home. The complicated relationship between humans and ecosystems has often been mediated by economics and technology. Prevailing theologies and spiritualities have also molded these interactions.

Regional Webinar: Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination in the Pacific

02 December 2019

The thematic focus of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace (PJP) in 2019 is Racism. The WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA), organises a series of eight WCC CCIA regional expert Webinars on the issue of racism and racial justice from August to December 2019. The aim of the webinars is to explore how racism manifests itself in the respective regions, learn about the work that churches and ecumenical partners are doing in this respect, identify synergies and avenues for possible collaboration.


Regional Webinar on Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination in The Middle-East

25 November 2019

The thematic focus of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace (PJP) in 2019 is Racism.The WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA), organises a series of eight WCC CCIA regional expert Webinars on the issue of racism and racial justice from August to December 2019. The aim of the webinars is to explore how racism manifests itself in the respective regions, learn about the work that churches and ecumenical partners are doing in this respect, identify synergies and avenues for possible collaboration.


Regional Webinar on Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination in Africa

21 October 2019

The thematic focus of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace (PJP) in 2019 is Racism.The WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA), organises a series of eight WCC CCIA regional expert Webinars on the issue of racism and racial justice from August to December 2019. The aim of the webinars is to explore how racism manifests itself in the respective regions, learn about the work that churches and ecumenical partners are doing in this respect, identify synergies and avenues for possible collaboration.


The Ecumenical International Youth Day| Transforming Education

12 August 2019

This year, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), in partnership with the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF), will observe together the International Youth Day (IYD) with the theme: “Transforming Education.” Youth are the future of the church, and they are great advocates for Christian unity. The WCC wants to empower young Christians to liven up the ecumenical movement.

The Ecumenical Centre

World AIDS Day 2018

03 December 2018

Under the 2018 theme of "Know your status", World AIDS Day is an opportunity to remember the people who have been lost to the epidemic, to we give thanks for the progress made and make new commitments to ensuring no one is left behind.

Ecumenical Centre, Geneva

ÖRK-„Pilger“ bei der Escalade dabei

01 December 2018

Zum dritten Mal in Folge nehmen Mitarbeitende des ÖRK auch dieses Jahr wieder am jährlichen Escalade-Rennen teil, das die Stadt Genf im Dezember zum 41. Mal ausrichtet.

Genf, Schweiz

Weltkindertag – Festveranstaltung von ÖRK und UNICEF

21 November 2018

Anlässlich des Weltkindertags 2018 und im Kontext des 70-jährigen Bestehens des ÖRK, wollen UNICEF und der ÖRK gemeinsam ihre globale Partnerschaft und die vielen Erfolge im Engagement der Kirchen für Kinder feiern.

Ecumenical Centre, 1 Route des Morillons, Geneva

World Children's Day WCC - UNICEF Celebratory Event

21 November 2018

On the occasion of 2018 World Children’s Day, and in recognition of the WCC’s 70th anniversary, UNICEF and WCC are convening a number of WCC member churches and common partners to celebrate the UNICEF-WCC global partnership and to take stock of the many achievements of the Churches’ Commitments to Children.

Ecumenical Centre, 1 Route des Morillons, Geneva