Displaying 101 - 120 of 259

Young WCC commissioners contribute to Václav Havel exhibition in Rome

"The best thought is one that always leaves a certain crevice for the possibility that everything is totally different at the same time" - Rev. Martina Viktorie Kopecka, moderator of the World Council of Churches ECHOS Commission, cites this as her favorite quote from Václav Havel, opponent to Czechoslovak’s communist regime and later president of his country.

Praying for unity with the Sisters of Grandchamp in 2021

You may miss the cry of the tortured Christ on the cross, carved by the Brazilian artist Guido Rocha, if you do not look carefully at your right hand side as you enter the dark-wooden chapel of the monastic Community of Grandchamp, a hamlet near the Lake of Neuchâtel, in Switzerland.

WCC organises event on “The Human Rights Situation in the Philippines”

As more and more people in the Philippines lose their loved ones to extrajudicial killings, and are falsely accused of crimes by the authorities, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is increasing its support and accompaniment of people fighting for human rights in the Philippines.
On 16 September, concerned colleagues and guests gathered in the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva to attend an event entitled: “Defending the Sanctity of Life and Dignity of Creation: The Human Rights Situation in the Philippines”. The event gave a platform to four different speakers from victim, human rights and church perspectives.

Pope Francis expresses “fraternal closeness” with Waldensian Methodist

As the Waldensian Methodist Synod met in Torre Pelisse in the north of Italy, the assembled delegates received a letter from Pope Francis, who expressed warm greetings.

“I pray for each of you that you may experience the Holy Spirit in these days of encounter, prayer and reflection,” wrote Pope Francis. “Please allow me to join in your prayer that the Lord would deepen the ecumenical spirit among Christians and lead our churches into a growing communion with each other.”

Iraqi refugee shares story of hope through harrowing ordeal

On International Youth Day, Azeez Sadeq, who now lives in Lyon, France, shared his personal story of being an Iraqi refugee.

"Have you ever thought that one day, you can lose everything?” he asked the young people gathered with him.

That's what happened to Sadeq when he was 18 years old, when the Islamic State Organisation, also referred to as Daesh, invaded his village.

Ecumenical young trailblazers

Young people are trailblazers, pioneers, visionaries and leaders who have the potential to create a positive, sustainable legacy for future generations on a global scale.
On 12 August, International Youth Day, youth led a TED-style talk and discussion in Geneva, with five young speakers from different parts of the world, four virtually and one live. The stories and experiences shared connected them to theme “Transforming Education,” while inspiring the audience for a call to action.

Youth celebrate inclusion and world’s gifts, even amid grave challenges

In light of International Youth Day on 12 August, the World Council of Churches (WCC), Lutheran World Federation and the World Student Christian Federation invited youth to celebrate the day at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva. The event promoted a shared understanding of inclusion, acknowledging the gifts and addressing the common concerns and challenges of young people around the world.

WCC to youth: “Is this the world we bequeath to you?”

On 12 August, International Youth Day, World Council of Churches deputy general secretary Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri greeted young people gathered in Geneva, Switzerland.
International Youth Day, Phiri reflected, takes place in a time of increased international tensions, looming climatic deadlines, increasing disparities of income and wealth, and great rents in the social fabric of our societies.

WCC invites media to the Ecumenical International Youth Day

On the occassion of the International Youth Day (IYD) on 12 August the World Council of Churches (WCC) invites media to attend a youth-led day jointly prepared with the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva.

Share the spirit of International Youth Day

The World Council of Churches (WCC), Lutheran World Federation and World Student Christian Federation will be observing International Youth Day on 12 August, and they invite all people of good will to join in celebrating a generation that will carry the ecumenical movement forward with spirit and determination.

“Women in War” exhibit portrays suffering, resilience

Along Lake Geneva from 2-21 July, an exhibit, “Women in War,” highlighted the stories of women who were combatants, activists, mothers, leaders and survivors of war. The exhibit, developed by the International Committee of the Red Cross in collaboration with National Geographic, aimed to break the stereotypes that reduce women to the status of victim only, and to highlight the sometimes complex and difficult roles they have in wars.

Prayer will be heartbeat of WCC 11th Assembly

As the Worship Assembly Planning Committee had its first meeting in Baden, Germany from 5-11 July, prayer was at the forefront for becoming the heartbeat of the World Council of Churches (WCC) 11th assembly in Karlsruhe in September 2021.

WCC facilitates conversations on ecumenism at the Kirchentag

Conversations at the World Council of Churches (WCC) exhibition booth at the Kirchentag showed there is a growing interest in ecumenical movement among German churches. The topics of a particularly high interest were the Thursdays in Black campaign and studies at the Ecumenical institute in Bossey.