Leaders from organizations, communities and churches are committing to be “Thursdays in Black Ambassadors” to inspire action against gender-based violence and injustice.
“We know that leaders at all levels can help inform and inspire others to take action against attitudes and practices that - intentionally or unintentionally - enable rape and violence,” states Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches. “Sexual and gender-based abuse and violence pervades all communities and affects people at every walk of life. It is imperative that all of us speak out and show our solidarity and commitment and our vision of a world of respect, equality and justice.”
A series of interviews and profiles of ambassadors begin today, Thursday, 5 September. Ambassadors commit themselves to being visible and outspoken in calling for a world without rape and violence. While initial ambassadors come from the Christian community, leaders from all sectors are invited to join in the movement.
The #ThursdaysinBlack campaign itself is simple but profound. Participants wear black on Thursdays. Often people wear a pin declaring they are part of the global movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence. Many post their support on social media. The movement highlights respect for women who are resilient in the face of injustice and violence.
All people are encouraged to join Thursdays in Black. For more information, see: www.oikoumene.org/thursdays-in-black