Displaying 161 - 180 of 402

A passionate Korean feminist and ecumenist

At the most glorious moment in her career, Rev. Prof. Dr Sang Chang discovered that society is not always friendly and that politics can be devilish. But thanks to God, she got over it. Without bitterness and even more determined in her fight for gender equality and social justice.

Christians in Seoul celebrate Liberation Day

Hundreds of Christians gathered this afternoon around the Statue of Peace in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in front of the Japanese embassy, to celebrate Liberation Day. They displayed photos of butterflies and flowers as a symbol of the comfort to women who were sexual slaves during the Japanese occupation.

Young peoples movement strengthens influence

After three intense days with deep discussions and productive sessions, the bi-annual meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) ECHOS Commission came to an end on Thursday. Fourteen young committee members and staff from 20 different countries all over the world had gathered in Seoul, Korea to further strengthen the WCC young peoples movement and continue the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Reise der Hoffnung durch ein gespaltenes Land

Mehr als 80 junge Menschen aus ÖRK-Mitgliedskirchen und Partnerorganisationen weltweit haben ihren Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens in Korea am Samstag in der entmilitarisierten Zone, die die koreanische Halbinsel seit 1953 teilt, fortgesetzt.

분단의 땅에서 희망의 여정을 걷다

세계교회협의회(WCC)의 회원 교회와 협력 단체 소속의 국내외 기독 청년 80여명은 지난 토요일 1953년 정전협정 이래 한반도 분단의 상징이 된 비무장지대(DMZ)를 방문하며 한국에서 진행된 ‘정의와 평화 순례’를 이어나갔다.

Korea: Jungen Menschen wollen Stimme für Frieden erheben

Vom 9. bis 12. August werden junge Erwachsene aus aller Welt in Korea zusammenkommen und sich auf einen Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens begeben während parallel dazu – tausende Kilometer entfernt und dennoch im Geiste an ihrer Seite – auch in Genf beim Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) junge Menschen einen ebensolchen Pilgerweg antreten werden.

In Korea, youth prepare to raise their voices for peace

From 6-12 August, young people from all over the world will meet in Korea and embark on a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, as their counterparts at the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva walk alongside them, thousands of miles away but side-by-side in spirit.

“Human peace chain” reflects the wish of the people on Korean Peninsula

On 27 April, some 500,000 people joined hands to form a “human peace chain” along the 500 km long Demilitarized Zone between South and North Korea. They expressed their strong desire for permanent peace in the Korean Peninsula, gathering to celebrate the first anniversary of Panmunjom Declaration and commemorate the centennial of the 1 March Independence Movement.

Peacemakers at work in Sri Lanka

In the wake of the Easter Sunday terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka, the Omnia Institute for Contextual Leadership, based in Chicago, lifted up points of hope that peace will win in the end. In a 25 April message, Shanta Premawardhana, president of the institute, wrote that every person of every faith of every nation deserves to wake up in peace. “Every child deserves to feel safe, welcomed, and alive to the promise that each day brings,” Premawardhana wrote. “I'm sure you know that this is why we build Interfaith Peacemaker Teams in Sri Lanka.”

ÖRK verurteilt Massaker an bäuerlicher Bevölkerung auf den Philippinen

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat das Massaker an 14 Bäuerinnen und Bauern durch die Polizei in der Stadt Canlaon und den Gemeinden Manjuyod und Santa Catalina in der Provinz Negros Oriental auf den Philippinen Anfang dieses Monats verurteilt. Zudem hat der ÖRK auch seinen Aufruf an die Regierung der Philippinen wiederholt, der Kultur der Straflosigkeit ein Ende zu bereiten, eine umfassende Untersuchung derartiger Tötungen sicherzustellen und die Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen.