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Children are being let down over HIV care

We are failing our children with HIV care was the stark message of a joint session of the interfaith and Catholic pre-conferences being held in Durban, South Africa in advance of AIDS 2016. Targets for childcare have been missed, medication is not suitable and we still need earlier infant diagnosis with half of infants infected dying within 24 months.

AIDS 2016: “Stigma kills more people than HIV”

More than 150 people attending the interfaith pre-conference, which opened on 16 July in Durban, heard urgent challenges to reduce stigma and discrimination; increase access to HIV services; and defend human rights as key elements of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

Conferencia sobre el SIDA 2016: “El estigma mata a más personas que el VIH”

Más de 150 personas asistieron a la reunión interreligiosa previa a la conferencia que se inauguró el 16 de julio en Durban, donde escucharon los urgentes desafíos para reducir el estigma y la discriminación, aumentar el acceso a los servicios relacionados con el VIH, y defender los derechos humanos como elementos clave para poner fin al SIDA como amenaza para la salud pública antes de 2030.

AIDS 2016: Faith groups take “Fast Track” in HIV response

Representatives of faith-based organizations and communities will gather 16-17 July in Durban, South Africa for an interfaith pre-conference, “Faith on the Fast Track: Reducing Stigma and Discrimination, Increasing Access, and Defending Human Rights – NOW!”

In Ghana, women bring open minds, honest words

As they talk during a workshop in Ghana, women are collectively asking a question: “Is it not time for women and girls to raise their voices to say what they want as mothers, as widows, as single parents, and as God’s children?”

Local work by faith-based groups key to ending AIDS

Getting more people tested and treated for HIV, caring for the sick, helping people understand how to care for themselves —these are the tasks of faith-based organizations (FBOs) helping people with HIV in local communities.

Churches commit to “All In!” campaign to end adolescent AIDS

Sexual and reproductive health services must be not just "youth-friendly" but also “male- and female-friendly" and "youth participatory" so that young men and women gain access to the information and services they need and want, agreed adolescents who attended a workshop in Lomé, Togo on 24-25 March.

Las iglesias se comprometen con la campaña “All In” (“Todos incluidos”) contra el sida dirigida a los adolescentes.

Un grupo de adolescentes que participaron en un taller en Lomé (Togo) los pasados 24 y 25 de marzo estuvieron de acuerdo en que los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva no solo tienen que ser accesibles para los jóvenes, sino también para hombres y mujeres, y deben contar con la participación de los jóvenes, para que tanto los hombres como las mujeres jóvenes tengan acceso a la información y a los servicios que deseen y necesiten.