Displaying 141 - 160 of 255

Borders and Migrants

On 20 May 2022, a group of us, 14 pilgrims from different parts of the world (Kenya, Brussels, Germany, Hong Kong, Philippines, Poland, Rome, Korea, Canada, Fiji, Australia, London, Scotland, and Geneva—a very diverse group) gathered in Palermo, Italy for a Pilgrim Team Visit on the theme of migration. 

Un siècle de théologie œcuménique désormais à portée de main

Première publication numérique substantielle du Conseil œcuménique des Églises et sa plus grande collection gratuite, les Documents de Foi et constitution ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités pour les intellectuels, les œcuménistes et quiconque s’intéresse à parcourir les méandres de la voie qui mène à l’unité chrétienne.

Called to Transformation - Ecumenical Diakonia

A joint publication of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and ACT Alliance, this study document aims to clarify the understanding of ecumenical diakonia and to provide a common platform for acting and reflecting together for the churches and ecumenical partners worldwide. 

The major publication outlines the theological components of diakonia and offers practical content for those engaged in the service of diakonia. The study document is intended to be used for formation and training in ecumenical diakonia, to strengthen the institutional capacity of those involved in diakonia, and to foster dialogue and cooperation between churches, ecumenical partners, ACT Alliance and the WCC.

WCC visit to Italy harvests examples of the churches’ unconditional support to refugees and migrants

The Central Mediterranean route is the overseas crossing from North Africa to Italy. Those migrating on this route generally aim to reach Italian shores but leave from a variety of North African countries bordering the Mediterranean. Though in past years most migrants have departed from Libya, which is a destination for migrants as well as a transit country, there is also a proportionally small but growing number of departures from Tunisia, Egypt, and Algeria.

Les réflexions sur « Que disent les Églises sur l'Église » partagent les fruits de la Commission Foi et constitution du COE

Ci-dessous, la pasteure Susan Durber, modératrice de la Commission Foi et constitution du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) et Son Éminence l'évêque Maxim, de l'Église orthodoxe serbe et membre de la Commission Foi et constitution du COE, commentent la publication « Que disent les Églises sur l'Église ? »

La publication, qui présente les principales conclusions et propositions des réponses à « L'Église – Vers une vision commune », fait partie des nombreux fruits récoltés par les groupes d'étude de la Commission Foi et constitution du COE pour la 11e Assemblée du COE.

Reflections on “What Are the Churches Saying About the Church” share fruits of WCC Commission on Faith and Order

Below, Rev. Dr Susan Durber, moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on Faith and Order and His Eminence Bishop Maxim, from the Serbian Orthodox Church and a WCC Faith and Order commissioner, reflect on the publication What Are the Churches Saying About the Church?”

The publication, which presents key findings and proposals from responses to The Church: Towards a Common Vision,” is among the many fruits being harvested by the study groups of the WCC Faith and Order Commission for the WCC 11th Assembly.