Displaying 221 - 240 of 13099

Les expert-e-s invité-e-s à soumettre leurs résumés pour la conférence sur le Premier concile œcuménique de Nicée

L’Institut œcuménique du Conseil œcuménique des Églises à Bossey invite les expert-e-s émergent-e-s et confirmé-e-s de diverses traditions chrétiennes à prendre part à une conférence internationale dédiée à la portée œcuménique du premier Concile œcuménique de Nicée (325 apr. J.-C.) et à sa pertinence dans le monde actuel en rapide mutation.

Our trip to Rome

In the academic year of 2023-24, students from the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey experienced a transformative and historic visit to Rome, graciously hosted by the Roman Catholic Church's Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity. This pilgrimage became a pivotal chapter in our lives, revealing abject insights into the significance of ecumenism as a catalyst for fostering unity among Christians.

Réunion de la Commission de Foi et constitution en Indonésie

La Commission de Foi et constitution du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) se réunira pour la première fois en personne depuis son élection par le Comité central du COE en juin 2023 à Tondano, ville du Sulawesi du Nord indonésien, du 2 au 7 février.

Ecumenical spirit moves Bossey students at mass with Pope Francis

For students from the World Council of Churches's (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, attending a Sunday mass at which Pope Francis presided in the Basilica of St Peter, Vatican during the week of Christian unity forged a special memory about bringing churches together.

WCC accompaniers return to the Holy Land to witness life under occupation

Six ecumenical accompaniers have returned to Palestine and Israel, resuming in-person operations for the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel. Ecumenical accompaniers, who were evacuated beginning of October 2023, had been continuing their support and accompaniment online. 

In conversation with Christiane Ehrengruber: unveiling the power of prayer and identity

Meet Christiane Ehrengruber, a 27-year-old professional working in digital communication and social media for Evangelische Mission Weltweit in Germany. With a background in Protestant theology and a history of volunteering in university politics and international ecumenism, Ehrengrubers insights into the significance of prayer, the theme of Christian unity, and the challenges faced by churches provide a unique perspective on navigating faith in today's world.