
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

A long-standing annual observance involving Christian communities throughout the world

The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle

A year-long prayer journey through every region of the world

2024 Joint North-South Korea Easter Prayer

It has been 28 years since the two Koreas began the Easter joint prayer together. It is a prayer that started with glory to God who gave him the strength to work for unification. I hope that unification alone will fulfill its last duty.

Prayer for Ukraine by bishop Rosemarie Wenner

Prayer for Ukraine by bishop Rosemarie Wenner during the ecumenical morning prayer held on 15 May 2023, when the World Council of Churches (WCC) staff and partners observed the UN International Day of Living Together in Peace.


Week of Prayer for Overcoming Racism and Xenophobia March 19 - 25, 2023

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is sharing materials for a Week of Prayer for Overcoming Racism and Xenophobia” in the week that includes the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March and the UN International Day for the Remembrance of Victims of Slavery and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on 25 March.

August 15th Joint South-North (North-South) Prayer for Peace & Reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula 2022

The World Council of Churches invites the global fellowship and all people of good will to join, on 15 August 2022, a prayer for peace and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula.

Composed by the National Council of Churches in Korea, the prayer will be held on 14 August—the Sunday before Liberation Day, observed in both North and South Korea to mark the date in 1945 when Korea won independence from Japanese colonial oppression. The date was also when the peninsula was divided into two countries.

Prayer events