God of Justice and Peace,
Hear our lament. 445 days passed by since Russia started the invasion to Ukraine. Millions had to leave their homes, far too many died, survivors of attacks, rape and violence are traumatized; children have been displaced to Russia- there is so much pain, also within Russia.
God, we lament with those who are hurting. We cry out with Mother Earth contaminated, devastated, mined…
We confess that we often close our eyes when conflicts escalate, we invest in weapons and walls instead in the livelihood of people and in relationships, we turn our backs and get used to so many war zones on our planet.
Jesus Christ, wounded healer, you were brutally killed and overcame death. Have mercy on those who are suffering. Give hope to all in despair. Teach your disciples on both sides of the war zones to act as humans and to overcome hatred. Remind us gathered today of our calling to be peace makers.
Holy Spirit, breath of life, comforter, teacher of justice - open our hearts and inspire our thoughts so that we become your co-workers towards peace with justice. Bless the efforts of the World Council of Churches, Pope Francis and others to negotiate steps that might led to conversations towards just peace in Ukraine. Remind us that your love, triune God, leads the world towards reconciliation and unity.
Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.