We are thankful for:
- the biodiversity and natural wonders in these lands
- church leaders who have spoken out and countered sexual violence and human rights abuses
- those who are dealing with challenges of migrations within, and to, these countries
- stable governance and economies, and rising living standards for many people in recent years.
We pray for:
- greater food security for those most vulnerable, especially in times of climate change
- an end to political and economic corruption
- rising standards of living, particularly for those most poor
- an end to exploitation of resources and of the people, especially those who are young and/or female.
Oh God, our Father, of all the people of the earth, look with favour upon us and hear the prayer we make for our country Zambia. We ask for your loving guidance upon all men and women in all that they do so that your blessings will be upon them.
We thank you for your protection and the peace that we have enjoyed in this country for the past 50 years. We thank you for the peace you gave us especially during the Golden Jubilee celebration as an independent nation. Let the jubilee celebrations bring more blessings to our country. We, therefore, pray for all our leaders who are serving your people in various capacities that you will give them wisdom and knowledge to know you as the sovereign Lord who created the heavens and the earth and that you are the only God among all. You deserve to be praised.
We remember especially our political leaders and ask you to bless the work of their hand and to guide their decision so that our country may continue to be peaceful and that we may deserve an honoured place among all nations.
We pray for the young men and women upon whom the future of this country depends. Teach them to be responsible citizens so that they can grow in the knowledge of your word, in the fear of sin and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the whole world for the salvation of humankind.
We pray for all churches in Zambia. Bless all the clergy, the church workers and all the church members. Help us all to witness to others so that we all may be one in Christ Jesus. Be with the United Church of Zambia as they celebrate in 2015 the Golden Jubilee of its existence as a united church. We thank you for the blessing of this double golden jubilee, one as a country and the other as a church.
May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and protect us. In the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord we pray, because he reigns for ever and ever. Amen
(Sarah S. Kaulule, The United Church of Zambia, former vice moderator of the WCC Commission on Faith and Order)
God of love, God of compassion,
in the midst of death and evil,
you mercifully look after us:
protecting, providing and smiling,
constantly reassuring us of your care.
Grant to us the joy of this occasion,
especially as we celebrate our birthdays,
knowing that your love is life.
Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may acquire a heart of wisdom,
through him whose life has become our light, even Jesus Christ.
(Rev. Dr Augustine Musopole, Malawi. In: Africa Praying: A Handbook on HIV/AIDS Sensitive Sermon Guidelines and Liturgy, ed. Musa W. Dube, WCC, 2003, pp.164, 11-12, 89)
We are all affected by HIV/AIDS;
we are the body of Christ.
We have lost close relatives;
heal our bodies.
We have lost close friends and neighbours;
heal our hearts.
We have lost church and work mates;
heal our spirits.
We have lost our hope;
heal our minds.
We put our trust in you.
You are Emmanuel,
you are God With Us.
You will never leave us or forsake us.
You will be with us to the end of the ages.
(Fulata L. Moyo, Malawi, and Musa W. Dube, Botswana. In: Africa Praying: A Handbook on HIV/AIDS Sensitive Sermon Guidelines and Liturgy, ed. Musa W. Dube, WCC, 2003, p.44.)