Her comments came following a thematic plenary on “Affirming the wholeness of life,” about challenging indifference and systemic injustices so that we can more deeply interconnect the world in which we live.
“Bodies like this,” she said referring to the WCC assembly, “churches as a whole, Christians as a faith community, can make a statement and make an impact.”
“It’s a big ask of young people,” said Mathen when asked how youth can be responsible for holding corporations accountable for climate justice. “That is not the task of just young people. It is the task of every citizen of this planet.”
During the press conference, Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, general secretary of the ACT Alliance, spoke about how the work of the ACT Alliance goes beyond that of just a humanitarian organization but also includes sustainable development and advocacy.
While the organization is currently responding to emergencies all around the world—both large-scale crises such as the war in Ukraine, as well as “forgotten” emergencies in Afghanistan, Yemen and South Sudan—it is also engaged in programs which address climate justice, gender justice, peace and human security, migration and displacement, and disaster risk reduction.
“Our work is interconnected,” he said. “We do not believe that humanitarian development and advocacy work should be separated in silos.”
Building a sustaining future means working together for justice, human rights and promoting democracy, said Bueno de Faria. “We need to work together.”
Asked about whether youth were adequately represented within the WCC, Mathen praised the WCC and assembly for allowing youth to be present. “The WCC is the primary or first space where I’m able to share a table with someone as senior as the general secretary of the ACT Alliance. I’m able to sit in the same row as the primate or the head of a particular church. That kind of space I would not find anywhere else as a young person.”
While noting her gratitude for the structure of the WCC in allowing young people to be present, she also noted “there is definitely scope for greater involvement in the decision-making body.”
#WCC assembly - Press conference 05.09.2022
Livestream of the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany