Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm

Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, moderator of the WCC central committee, at the festive prayer service in Nuremberg's St. Lorenz Church on Sunday, 29 October 2023.


We deeply appreciate your commitment to public theology, that both sets out and explains the biblical and theological roots of what we say and do, and seeks to relate and express this in ways that make sense for all people of goodwill – a theology that is able to express itself in philosophical, political, and economic debates,” wrote Pillay. "We think immediately, for example, of your commitment to refugees, climate justice, and your involvement in the UN Paris climate summit of 2015, and the way in which you wrestle with the challenges of the digital age not only as a task for society but also a question for theological reflection.”

Known as Germanys first social media bishop,” more than 20,000 people listen to Bedford-Strohms daily meditations. 

As your time as the bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church comes to an end, we wish you and your wife Deborah every happiness in the years ahead,” wrote Pillay. We are already looking forward to the meeting of our executive committee next month in Nigeria.”

Pillay also expressed hearty congratulations to Bishop Christian Kopp on his election and induction as the new bishop of Bavaria. My God guide and lead you and give you support, wisdom, health, and strength in the years ahead, and we most sincerely hope that we might also be able to greet you in Geneva,” Pillay wrote.

WCC letter of greetings to Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria