This is the second issue of the journal dealing with “mission and reconciliation” as a contribution to the WCC’s assembly in 2022, with its theme “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.” Future issues of the journal will focus on “mission and unity.”
Reconciliation, according to editor Risto Jukko in the editorial, “is a task, a ministry, a mission that is given to us,” with reference to Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians (5:14-21).
“As Robert J. Schreiter has pointed out in many of his writings, reconciliation is ultimately spirituality, not a strategy to be implemented or followed, or a task to be performed,” notes Jukko.
The latest issue presents various situations and contexts where reconciliation, in all its dimensions, is fundamental to the church’s missional task. These include Africa and South Africa, Guatemala, Indonesia, the Korean Peninsula, as well as the challenge of racism.
Other articles deal with the “Great (whole) Commission”; discipleship as a missiological theme in recent ecumenical theology; the opening up of the Pentecostal movement to ecumenical collaboration; and the Maori concept of kotahitanga (indivisible oneness) and koinonia in shalom as the objective of the mission of God.
Fundamentally, writes Jukko, “reconciliation is not something that we human beings could fabricate or produce by or for ourselves. The origin of reconciliation is God, and reconciliation is given to us by God. We humans can only experience and receive it as a healing, as a gift.”
International Review of Mission is published twice a year by Wiley on behalf of the WCC.
Read-only article from the latest issue:“Mission and reconciliation: Theology for a new remembrance,” by Rastko Jović
Contents of the latest issue (May 2020): “Reconciliation as a Missional Task”
The International Review of Mission in the Wiley Online Library