The evening began with messages of warm welcome from representatives of churches in Germany, France, and Switzerland, in a symbolic coming together of the different nations to move toward a world of peace and reconciliation. In a greeting from Bishop Petra Bosse-Huber, Evangelical Church in Germany and moderator of the Local Host Committee, she emphasized that reconciliation on the way to unity requires constant dialogue and trust. President of the Protestant Church in Switzerland, Rita Famos encouraged gratitude and bravery as the basis on which we might address the theme and today’s challenges together. Christian Albecker, president of the Union of Protestant Churches in Alsace and Lorraine, recalled the three bloody wars that this border triangle has witnessed, which also carry the message today, “Everywhere there is war, reconciliation is possible.”
After these initial remarks, the performance began, inviting participants on a pilgrimage through time and place using the river Rhine as a guide. The journey was led by two young tour guides, with the support of a surprising source: the scholar and theologian, Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus.

September 4 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany: Members of a choir perform as host churches provide an evening of entertainment and education about the history of the region where the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches is taking place. The August 31-September 8 Assembly's theme is "Christ's Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity."
Continually returning to the motif of the Rhine River offered multiple layers of symbolism throughout the performance. Erasmus spoke of water as the source of life and as a human right, also emphasizing its significance in many religions. And repeated mention of bridges reminded the audience of the theme of bringing people together despite challenge or conflict.
Traveling through time, attendees were provided a glimpse of the many innovations and innovators to come from the region. Car production, the first email, and the biotechnology company that developed the Pfizer vaccine, BioNTech, to name a few.
There was also a recognition of violence and strife in the region’s history. People build too many walls and too few bridges, the actor playing Erasmus expressed to the audience. In a thousand years the dream of peace has seldom been fulfilled.
The figurative journey along the Rhine ended in Karlsruhe, with hopes shared for the future of the region and the world: “In Frieden mit alle Menschen auf diese Erde” (In peace with all the people of this Earth). To do this, Bishop Prof. Dr Heike Springhart advised, we must tell the stories of reconciliation again and again as a testament to its power against war and oppression. For we all speak the same language, she said, the language of the love of Christ.
Photo gallery from the Host Church Evening
Livestream of the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany

September 4 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany: The host churches of the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches provided an evening of entertainment and education about the history of the churches in the region of Karlsruhe, where the assembly is taking place from August 31 to September 8.