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Dirigentes religiosos unidos por la paz climática en solidaridad con los refugiados impulsan la conferencia de la ONU

Dirigentes religiosos de unas cuarenta organizaciones confesionales del mundo entero acordaron seguir defendiendo el derecho individual a solicitar asilo durante una reunión en Ginebra en la víspera del Foro Mundial sobre los Refugiados, el encuentro internacional sobre este asunto de mayor relevancia mundial. El hito se produjo en un evento celebrado el 12 de diciembre en el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), que presidió un arzobispo armenio y una diplomática de la ONU que fue legisladora en Turquía.

Les responsables religieux-ses s’unissent pour la paix climatique, en solidarité avec les personnes réfugiées, et encouragent la conférence de l’ONU

Les responsables religieux-ses d’une quarantaine d’organisations confessionnelles du monde entier se sont mis-es d’accord pour continuer à défendre le droit individuel de demande d’asile, lors d’une réunion à Genève. C’était un moment fort à la veille du Forum mondial sur les réfugiés, le plus grand rassemblement international de ce type au monde. Ils et elles se sont réuni-e-s le 12 décembre, au Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), sous la présidence d’un archevêque arménien et d’une diplomate des Nations unies, ancienne législatrice turque.

Climate Justice with and for Children and Youth in Churches

Get Informed, Get Inspired, Take Action
Research & Coordination: Frederique Seidel
Research assistant: Virág Kinga Mezei

This toolkit provides resources for churches, church-run schools, and summer camps to support intergenerational climate and environmental justice and promote care for children by stopping further global warming. All churches are encouraged to promote education and action to address climate change, reduce CO2 emissions, and protect the environment in their activities for and with children and youth.

Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

Climate Justice with and for Children and Youth in Churches

Get Informed, Get Inspired, Take Action
Research & Coordination: Frederique Seidel
Research assistant: Virág Kinga Mezei

This toolkit provides resources for churches, church-run schools, and summer camps to support intergenerational climate and environmental justice and promote care for children by stopping further global warming. All churches are encouraged to promote education and action to address climate change, reduce CO2 emissions, and protect the environment in their activities for and with children and youth.