Displaying 1 - 20 of 77

Uppsala 1968: tal como predijo la canción, los tiempos estaban cambiando

Por derecho, debería haber sido en África. La primera Asamblea del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) se celebró en Europa (Ámsterdam), la segunda en América del Norte (Evanston, EE. UU.) y la tercera en Asia (Nueva Delhi). Se esperaba que África fuera el siguiente continente en acoger al Consejo. Sin embargo, a lo largo de la década de 1960, en África brotaron actos de violencia y conflictos militares, de la región de Biafran, en Nigeria, a Zanzíbar y Eritrea; de Argelia a Mozambique y Rodesia. De manera que, la Cuarta Asamblea volvió a la “seguridad” de Europa, a Uppsala, en Suecia. En una de esas ironías de la historia, un mes después de la clausura de la Asamblea, los tanques soviéticos entrarían en Praga.

Uppsala 1968: c’était le temps des changements

Normalement, c’est l’Afrique qui aurait dû être choisie. La première Assemblée du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) s’était tenue en Europe (Amsterdam), la deuxième en Amérique du Nord (Evanston, États-Unis) et la troisième en Asie (New Delhi). Il y avait tout lieu d’espérer que l’Afrique serait le prochain continent à accueillir le Conseil. Mais des questions se sont posées au regard des actes de violence et des conflits militaires qui faisaient rage en Afrique durant les années 1960, dans la région du Biafra (Nigeria), à Zanzibar (Érythrée), ou encore en Algérie, au Mozambique et en Rhodésie. C’est ainsi que la Quatrième Assemblée a opté pour la «sécurité» de l’Europe, à Uppsala (Suède). Ironie de l’histoire, les chars soviétiques entreraient dans Prague un mois après la clôture de l’Assemblée.

Uppsala 1968: The times, they were a’changing

By rights, it should have been Africa. The World Council of Churches’ (WCC) First Assembly had been held in Europe (Amsterdam), the second in North America (Evanston, USA), the third in Asia (New Delhi). Hopes were raised that Africa would be the next continent to host the council. But questions arose concerning acts of violence and military conflicts in Africa throughout the 1960s, from the Biafran region in Nigeria to Zanzibar and Eritrea, from Algeria to Mozambique and Rhodesia. And so the Fourth Assembly returned to the “safety” of Europe, to Uppsala in Sweden. In one of history’s ironies, Soviet tanks would roll into Prague one month after the assembly’s close.

La región de Asia se prepara para la asamblea con un espíritu de colaboración y unidad

La esperanza de que corran mejores tiempos tras la pandemia se hizo patente durante el encuentro virtual, el 24 de junio, entre los miembros del Comité Central del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) de la región de Asia, durante el cual intercambiaron información sobre sus experiencias recientes y se prepararon para una asamblea del CMI muy productiva, el año próximo.

Morning Prayer for Thursday, 10 December 2020

Creator of time and space, we come together from different places and contexts to meet in your presence...

This week in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we are praying with the people and churches of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.

In a time of physical distancing, let us unite our hearts and minds as we prayerfully seek to overcome Sexual and Gender-Based Violence together.

Prayers were prepared in cooperation with the ACT Alliance.

Ecumenical movement

Morning Prayer for Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea...

This week in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we are praying with the people and churches of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.

In a time of physical distancing, let us unite our hearts and minds as we prayerfully seek to overcome Sexual and Gender-Based Violence together.

Prayers were prepared in cooperation with the ACT Alliance.

Ecumenical movement

Morning Prayer for Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Creator God, we celebrate the great blessing of human dignity in your image...

This week in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we are praying with the people and churches of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.

In a time of physical distancing, let us unite our hearts and minds as we prayerfully seek to overcome Sexual and Gender-Based Violence together.

Prayers were prepared in cooperation with the ACT Alliance.

Ecumenical movement

Morning Prayer for Monday, 7 December 2020

Merciful God, Make us your instruments of change...

This week in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we are praying with the people and churches of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.

In a time of physical distancing, let us unite our hearts and minds as we prayerfully seek to overcome Sexual and Gender-Based Violence together.

Prayers were prepared in cooperation with the ACT Alliance.

Ecumenical movement

Where is God in these times?

In a time of a global pandemic that has killed almost 200,000 Americans, civil unrest in the streets, and an economy in tatters, I have been blessed with the opportunity to share my thoughts with you during this unique time in history. I decided to contribute to this blog in the form of a personal letter to each of you.