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"USA: Race and income determine access to clean water" - interview with Michele Roberts

The Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform (EJHA) in the USA is dedicated to chemical safety and supporting healthy, toxic-free communities where people can safely live, work, play, pray and go to school. The alliance is rooted in the history of the environmental and economic justice movement. WCC-EWN talked to Michele Roberts of the Environmental Justice Health Alliance (EJHA) about challenges to safe drinking water in the USA, how these are closely related to systemic racism, and possible solutions to achieve water justice for all.

WCC Programmes

Are we closer to the mental tipping point?

Are we in a time when the message of the threats of climate change is on its way to sink into our shared consciousness? After being active in the climate debates in the ecumenical and interreligious discussions and advocacy work with not so much of a visible impact on policies and action I am wondering if we are getting closer to the point where we should have been 20 years ago. A point that says that humanity needs to choose another way if we are going to secure a decent future for coming generations and to save ecosystems and peoples opportunities to have a good and peaceful life together.

WCC Programmes

WCC policy on Palestine and Israel 1948-2016 (summary)

This document is a summary and synthesis of policy positions on key issues pertaining to the situation in Palestine and Israel adopted by governing bodies of the World Council of Churches (WCC) from 1948 to 2016. It addresses major themes in these policy positions, but does not pretend to full comprehensiveness. The document has no official standing itself; for the official authoritative positions, the original policy documents referred to should be consulted directly.

WCC Programmes