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Transforming Life, Volume 1

This publication presents the challenges posed by newly
emerging technologies to people of faith. It is a discussion
starter and wants to encourage urgently needed study and
reflection by churches, theological faculties and ecumenical
bodies in close cooperation with each other. The new
technologies represent a new stage of development, which
requires a fresh approach and change of perspective.

WCC Programmes

Cultiver la paix, vaincre la violence : avec le Christ, pour le monde

Ce texte est une invitation à entrer dans un processus d'étude et de réflexion théologiques sur la paix, la justice et la réconciliation, qui doit se poursuivre au cours de la Décennie << vaincre la violence >> - Les Eglises en quête de réconciliation et de paix 2000-2010. Il constitue une base pour la réflexion théologique de Foi et constitution sur la paix et sur les questions de la violence.

Commission on Faith and Order
Programme activity
Drawing of a dove carrying an olive branch while wearing a bullet proof vest, on a wall in Bethlehem.

Peace-building: Conflict transformation & Reconciliation

Christians and churches are entrusted with the ministry of peace and reconciliation. The WCC response to violence and violent conflict today is based on decades of ecumenical deliberation, understanding, practice and advocacy, assisting churches to make progress toward greater unity for peace.

Programme activity
Drawing of a dove carrying an olive branch while wearing a bullet proof vest, on a wall in Bethlehem.

Consolidation de la paix

Ce projet fait partie intégrante de l'action du COE face à la violence et aux conflits violents aujourd'hui. Il est participatif et axé sur l'action concrète; il vise à aider les Églises et les organisations assimilées à progresser vers une plus grande unité en faveur de la paix.

Programme activity
Solidarity with churches in the Middle East

Peacebuilding: Middle East

The situation of the Middle East calls for collective efforts by ecumenical partners to achieve peace and justice at local, national, regional and international levels. The WCC aims to build a space where the entire ecumenical movement can put its collective energies and resources together for lasting peace.

Programme activity
Les Eglises au Moyen-Orient

Les Eglises au Moyen-Orient

La situation au Moyen-Orient exige les efforts concertés des partenaires oecuméniques pour parvenir à la paix et à la justice aux niveaux local, national, régional et international. Le COE vise à mettre en commun les énergies et les ressources de l'ensemble du mouvement oecuménique en vue d'une paix durable.

Programme activity
Signs of peace

Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace

WCC calls on churches everywhere to walk together, viewing their common life, their journey of faith, as a part of a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. We invite you to join in celebrating life and in taking concrete steps toward transforming injustices and violence.