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Bischof Staccato Powell: „Ich bitte um inständige Gebete für den Beistand und Schutz des Heiligen Geistes“

Bischof Staccato Powell ist der Vorsitzende der Bischofskonferenz (Board of Bishops) der Afrikanischen Methodistisch-Bischöflichen Zions-Kirche, einem Gründungsmitglied des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK). Sein langjähriges Engagement im ÖRK umfasst die Teilnahme an vier Vollversammlung und die Mitgliedschaft in verschiedenen Leitungsgremien, darunter der aktuelle Zentralausschuss.

Bishop Staccato Powell: ‘I solicit the most fervent prayer of covering’

Bishop Staccato Powell is president of the board of bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, a founding member church of the World Council of Churches (WCC). His long service with the WCC includes attending four assemblies and serving on many governing bodies, including the current Central Committee.

In Japan, spirit of koinonia deepens

During a visit from World Council of Churches (WCC) deputy general secretary Prof. Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri, WCC member churches in Japan received expressions of appreciation from the WCC for hosting various visits and forums that strengthened ecumenical ties.

WCC members in Japan reported a deepening spirit of koinonia as well as more involvement in the programmatic life of the WCC, particularly as the ecumenical movement sets its sights on the upcoming WCC 11th Assembly in 2021 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

#WCC70: Kinder in der ökumenischen Bewegung

Viele ökumenische Pioniere, darunter der ehemalige ÖRK-Generalsekretär Philip Potter, waren in einem gewissen Sinne ein Produkt der Sonntagsschulbewegung. Ulrich Becker erzählt eine Geschichte, die in Vergessenheit zu drohen scheint.

#WCC70: Children in the Ecumenical Movement

Many ecumenical pioneers, including former WCC general secretary Philip Potter, were in a sense a product of the Sunday School movement. Ulrich Becker tells a story that seems to be in danger of being forgotten.

Conciliar Unity: Whither Vision and Direction?

In a recent interview for Christian Conference of Asia News, four ecumenists from regional and international conciliar fellowships from Asia, North America and the WCC, responded to questions about the role and challenges of ecumenical councils and the importance of conciliar unity in a changing ecumenical and ecclesial context.

Interfaith workshop calls for justice and compassion in finance

How and in which ways are money and finance shaping the world economy and society? What ought to be the roles of money and finance and what can we do together as faith communities to make the prevailing international financial architecture more just and compassionate?