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Seven Weeks for Water 2020, week 7: "Thirsty for justice", by Frances Namoumou and Netani Rika

The seventh and last reflection of the seven weeks for water 2020 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is written jointly  by Ms Frances Namoumou, Programmes Manager, and Mr Netani Rika, Communications Specialist, Pacific Conference of Churches.  In the following reflection they have analysed the water scarcity situation in the Pacific that is getting worsened by climate change with a justice perspective from the narratives of the persistent widow of the bible. They challenge us not to give up our “thirst for justice” under any circumstances.

WCC Programmes

Seven Weeks for Water 2020, week 2: "What moves above the waters: fresh water challenges of the Pacific", by Nikotemo Sopepa

The second reflection of the seven weeks for water 2020 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is by Nikotemo Sopepa, an ordained minister of the Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu. Married with two children, he is currently the  Mission Secretary of the Council for World Mission in the Pacific region.  In the following reflection he compares the life affirming spirit of God that was hovering on the waters in the beginning of the creation story with today’s “death dealing” spirit of commercialization of water over the waters of the pacific region which is worsening its fresh water availability.

WCC Programmes

PLEN 14 May - Kiribati

The presentation by the Rev. Dr Pepine Iosua focuses on how people in Kiribati understand and struggle with the impacts of climate change, especially "sea rise", on the pacific understanding of the creation understanding, and what the reconciling and healing mission of God to these people and to the world at large is.

Member church

PLEN 14 de mayo - Kiribati

Doy gracias a Dios y al personal del CMI por otorgarme el privilegio de compartir un caso de estudio sobre un relato de la República de Kiribati en relación con el Pacífico Sur en general.

La presentación se centra en cómo estas personas entienden y afrontan las repercusiones del cambio climático, especialmente "el maremoto," dentro de la comprensión pacífica de la creación, y de lo que se llama la misión reconciliadora y sanadora de Dios con estas personas y con el mundo en general.

Member church