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Declaración sobre las repercusiones humanitarias mundiales de la guerra en Ucrania

El conflicto en Ucrania sigue causando un terrible número de muertes, destrucción, desplazamientos y miseria para el pueblo ucraniano, y se ha informado de la muerte de miles de civiles y de que más de 14 millones de personas (más de una cuarta parte de toda su población) se han visto obligadas a huir de sus hogares. Además, esta guerra está teniendo repercusiones que van mucho más allá de las fronteras de Ucrania o de la región europea, produciendo un efecto de espiral descendente en una economía mundial ya abatida por la COVID-19 y la crisis climática. Los precios de los alimentos, los fertilizantes y la energía han aumentado rápidamente en muchos lugares del mundo, dado el importante papel que desempeñan Rusia y Ucrania en estos mercados.

Executive committee

Statement on global humanitarian impacts of the war in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine continues to cause a terrible toll of death, destruction, displacement and misery for the Ukrainian people, with thousands of civilians reported to have been killed, and more than 14 million people – well over a quarter of the entire population – forced to flee from their homes. In addition, the impacts of this war are being felt far beyond the borders of Ukraine or the European region, producing a downward spiral effect on a global economy already battered by COVID-19 and the climate crisis. Prices of food, fertiliser and energy have risen rapidly in many parts of the world, given the important roles played by Russia and Ukraine in these markets.

Executive committee

The WCC Executive Committee Statement: Attacks and Persecution of Christian Communities in Asia

Throughout history, religious communities living in contexts in which other religions predominate have been among the most vulnerable groups in society. In many parts of the world today, Christians in such contexts are among the most persecuted communities. With the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace (PJP) focus on Asia this year, we observe the challenges faced by Christian communities in several countries and territories in this region.

Executive committee