Displaying 1 - 20 of 1275

The interfaith action and ministry of Archbishop Anastasios of Albania

In our brief article, as an expression of love and deep appreciation for the esteemed Archbishop of Tirana, Anastasios, we present, as much as possible, his significant contribution to interfaith dialogue and his active involvement in actions and initiatives aimed at establishing peaceful and just coexistence among all people, regardless of their cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, or cultural identity.

WCC makes pilgrimage to Cape Coast and Elmina castles in Ghana

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Reference Group on Overcoming Racism, Xenophobia, Casteism, and all other forms of Discrimination, went on a pilgrimage to historic castles in Elmina and Cape Coast, in Ghana—a visit that exposed the magnitude of sinful injustice perpetuated by European empires and kingdoms on Africans for centuries and whose legacies continue to afflict Africans and people of African Descent around the world.