Displaying 141 - 160 of 631

WCC climate work looks to unite a global voice on climate change, justice, food, and health

As the World Council of Churches (WCC) Climate Working Group meets this month, the advisory body is looking forward to offering the fruits of its work for reflection and, most important, action at the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe. Below, Rev. Henrik Grape, senior advisor on Care for Creation, Sustainability, and Climate Justice, reflects on climate justice work in the lead-up to the assembly and beyond.

Water and justice at the WCC 11th Assembly

“The global water crisis is not simply about dealing with scarcity, it’s about fighting inequality and discrimination, about addressing blatant mismanagement and often also corruption.” For Bishop Arnold Temple, chair of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network, this is why it is so important for churches to keep raising awareness and speaking up about water being a matter of justice and rights. "It's great to see that the importance of water and the churches' commitment to water justice are going to be reflected in the programme of the upcoming WCC 11th Assembly", Temple notes. 

Sondergesandter der WHO mahnt bei ÖRK-Tagung: Nahrungsmittelkrise erfordert sofortiges Handeln

Die Welt stehe von einer globalen Nahrungsmittelkrise, die durch den Krieg in der Ukraine verschärft und in den Vordergrund gerückt worden sei, aber die Menschheit könne und müsse Schritte hin zu mehr wirtschaftlicher Gerechtigkeit und größerer Klimagerechtigkeit unternehmen, um Abhilfe zu schaffen. Das wurde den Teilnehmenden an einer Tagung eindringlich nahegelegt, die unter Federführung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen organisiert worden war.