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Rev. Frank Chikane: “No es posible crear unidad en detrimento de la justicia”

Mientras el Rev. Frank Chikane dirigió el Consejo Sudafricano de Iglesias (SACC, por sus siglas en inglés) en su denuncia de las injusticias del sistema del apartheid, la organización no cejó en sus esfuerzos, ni siquiera después del atentado que redujo su sede a escombros en los años ochenta. Moderador de la Comisión de las Iglesias para Asuntos Internacionales (CIAI) del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) desde 2016, el Rev. Chikane ha denunciado injusticias en múltiples lugares del mundo. El departamento de comunicación del CMI le pidió que volviera la vista atrás sobre su mandato en la CIAI y sobre el constante llamado de las iglesias a poner fin a las injusticias que afectan hoy al mundo.

Engagement in international affairs has enabled churches to take a firm stand against injustices

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) has facilitated churchesengagement in a wide range of critical issues of the world since the last WCC Assembly in Busan, concluded the 58th meeting of the WCC CCIA, gathering church representatives in Johannesburg and online in the 75th anniversary year of the Commission’s creation.

Desmond Tutu turns 90 with an outpouring of love from the world

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, one of South Africa's most famous persons, has turned 90 with a Eucharist service celebration at Cape Town's St George's Cathedral, receiving an outpouring of love from around the world. Tutu made a rare public appearance on 7 October at the iconic Cape Town cathedral, the site of prayers and protests during the apartheid era, where he attended a special thanksgiving service.

WCC mourns passing of Prof. Vuyani Vellem

With great sadness, the World Council of Churches (WCC) received news of the demise of Prof. Vuyani Vellem on 4 December. A member of the WCC’s Commission on Ecumenical Education and Formation, Vellem was director of the Centre for Public Theology and associate professor at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He also served as deputy secretary of the South Africa Council of Churches.

Churches in southern Africa stand against violence, xenophobia

Churches across southern Africa are publicly saying #EnoughIsEnough,” with many denominations and congregations continuing to issue strong statements, arrange special prayer events, and speak out against rising levels of violence.

Both the Dutch Reformed Church and the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa (UPCSA) have been discussing gender justice and how to keep the momentum going on the unprecedented public demand for change.

Ecumenical groups join in UN forum on business and human rights in Geneva

The huge impacts of businesses on the communities in which they operate often bring benefits, but companies can disregard and even harm people’s rights in pursuit of economic gain. The WCC, ACT Alliance and the Lutheran World Federation hosted a side event at the 6th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva on 28 November, in this context.

Una antología del cristianismo africano destaca el continente donde la fe está creciendo a mayor velocidad

El cristianismo está creciendo más rápidamente en África que en cualquier otra parte del mundo, dice el Rev. Dr. Lawrence Iwuamadi, profesor de hermenéutica bíblica ecuménica en el Instituto Ecuménico de Bossey. El 15 de febrero el Rev. Iwuamadi organizó un debate sobre la antología del cristianismo africano, que fue acogido por el CMI en el Centro Ecuménico de Ginebra y contó con la participación de un grupo de expertos.

Reinstatement of South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church likened to "return of the prodigal son"

When the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa re-joined the WCC in June after 55 years, other churches in the country rejoiced at “the return of the prodigal son”. The church, started in the 17th century by European settlers in southern Africa, was once referred to as “the National Party at prayer” so closely tied was its doctrine to the racist ideology of apartheid, and its influence reaching into the cabinet.

La consulta de Sudáfrica aborda la evangelización y la educación

La consulta de cinco días sobre “La evangelización en la educación teológica y la formación misiológica en África” reunió a unos veinticinco participantes que examinaron lo que significa vivir el auténtico testimonio cristiano en contextos laicos, multiculturales y plurirreligiosos.