Displaying 1 - 18 of 18

WCC extends prayers for lasting peace in Haiti

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay sent a pastoral letter to Haitian brothers and sisters whose lives are lived in a land with hatred, violence, and suffering. Although we might be physically distant, we are close to you in heart, in the spiritual sense,” wrote Pillay. We all are children of God. We belong to one family, as Jesus Christ himself said.”

Diakonia: “a tool to reach abundance of life”

“Christ’s call for abundant life (John 10:10) means that the church must work to address the enormity of challenges, including access to water resources, care for creation, and adequate health care,” said Rev. Matthew Ross during a World Council of Churches (WCC) seminar on young people’s involvement in “Ecumenical Diakonia and Sustainable Development,” held in Matanzas, Cuba, July 15-20.

Sieben Wochen der Fastenzeit im Zeichen der Wassergerechtigkeit in Lateinamerika

Das Ökumenische Wassernetzwerk (ÖWN) des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) lädt anlässlich der Fastenzeit zu Reflexionen zum Thema Wasser ein. Seit 2008 veröffentlicht das ÖWN in den sieben Wochen der Fastenzeit wöchentlich und anlässlich des Weltwassertags am 22. März theologische Reflexionen und andere Materialien zum Thema Wasser. Dieses Jahr steht Lateinamerika im Mittelpunkt.

Seven weeks of Lent highlight water justice in Latin America

The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Water Network (WCC-EWN) invites you to use the season of Lent to reflect on water. Since 2008, EWN has been providing weekly theological reflections and other resources on water for the seven weeks of Lent and for World Water Day on 22 March. This year, the focus is on Latin America.

Las siete semanas de Cuaresma hacen hincapié en la justicia hídrica en América Latina

La Red Ecuménica del Agua (REDA) del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) les invita a dedicar el período de Cuaresma a reflexionar sobre el agua. Desde 2008, la REDA proporciona reflexiones teológicas semanales y otros recursos relacionados con el agua para las siete semanas de Cuaresma y para el Día Mundial del Agua, que se celebra el 22 de marzo. Este año, la atención se centra en América Latina.

Sept semaines de Carême pour insister sur la justice à propos de l’eau en Amérique latine

Le Réseau œcuménique de l’eau (ROE) du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) vous invite à profiter du temps du Carême pour réfléchir à la question de l’eau. Depuis 2008, le ROE propose des réflexions théologiques hebdomadaires et de la documentation sur le thème de l’eau durant les sept semaines du Carême ainsi que pour la Journée mondiale de l’eau, le 22 mars. Cette année, l’attention portera particulièrement sur l’Amérique latine.

ÖRK ruft zum Schutz des Amazonas auf

„Der Amazonas, die grüne Lunge der Erde, ist in Trauer, und das von ihm erhaltene Leben verdorrt“ – so beginnt eine vom Exekutivausschuss des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen auf seiner Tagung in Amman abgegebene Erklärung.

Protect the Amazon, urges WCC statement

“The Amazon, the green heart of the Earth, is mourning and the life it sustains is withering,” begins a statement released by the World Council of Churches Executive Committee as it met in Amman, Jordan from 17-23 November.

Una declaración del CMI insta a proteger el Amazonas

“El Amazonas, el corazón verde de la Tierra, está de luto y la vida que conserva se está marchitando”, empieza diciendo una declaración emitida por el Comité Ejecutivo del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias durante su reunión en Ammán (Jordania), del 17 al 23 de noviembre.

Une déclaration du COE exhorte à protéger l'Amazonie

«L'Amazonie, le cœur vert de la Terre, pleure et la vie qu'elle entretient dépérit»: c'est par ces mots que commence une déclaration publiée par le Comité exécutif du Conseil œcuménique des Églises à l'occasion de sa réunion à Amman, en Jordanie, du 17 au 23 novembre.

"Protejam a Amazônia", exorta declaração do CMI

"A Amazônia, o coração verde da Terra, está de luto e a vida que ela sustenta está murchando", afirma um comunicado divulgado pelo Comitê Executivo do Conselho Mundial de Igrejas, que se reuniu em Amã, Jordânia, de 17 a 23 de novembro.

Commission of the Churches on International Affairs sets its focus on Africa

The 54th meeting of the WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA) began today in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, marking its yearly regional focus on Africa. During the meeting CCIA members are discussing the commission’s previous work and its outcomes focusing on Middle East, as well as setting strategic directions for activities until 2021.

“Jamaica Praying” – a manual for HIV and AIDS has been launched

A resource book titled Jamaica Praying: a manual for HIV and AIDS sensitive liturgies and sermons was launched last week by the United Theological College of the West Indies. The resource aims to equip church workers to offer a sensitive response to people affected by the HIV and AIDS pandemic.