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In New York City, unity prayers focus on how we “can join hands and minds and do the work that God has called us to do”

Christians in New York City opened the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on 18 January by participating in a worship service at the Interchurch Center, an office building that houses many church-related organizations and many others focused on intercultural and religious exchange. The service was infused with themes of justice and unity, both from a perspective of African-American history and the urging of Christians today to put their faith into action.

What will we hear?

I believed Christian unity to be an ideal we strive for, perhaps analogous to the saying "if you shoot for the moon, you'll land in the stars." In the times I have seen Christian Unity manifest, often in times of prayer and most often when hands and feet are moving to answer prayer, it has been fleeting, almost illusory. 

Webinar explores “Two years after the death of George Floyd: Antiracism, #BLM and the United Nations”

A 25 May webinar explored the theme Two years after George Floyd’s death: Antiracism, #BLM and the United Nations.” As people continue to challenge the systemic racism that has devalued the lives of Black and Brown people globally, many are asking the question: how much progress have we seen in the last two years? why do some of these tragic events spark a stronger call for change than others?

Colombian human rights advocates engage in strategic talks in the US

In a recent visit to the United States, a group of four laureates of the National Human Rights Award in Colombia” engaged in meetings in Washington and New York City with government officials, diplomats, and United Nations (UN) representatives. They spoke of the deterioration of the peace process in the country and the importance of international solidarity.

Wie gehen Kirchen wirklich mit Rassismus um?

Obwohl die Historischen Schwarzen Kirchengemeinden Amerikas vor einer Generation die Vorreiter des Wandels rassistisch geprägter Denkweisen waren, sehen sich die schwarzen Kirchenführer heute mit einer komplexeren, vielfältigeren und frustrierenderen Situation konfrontiert.

Comment le racisme est-il réellement traité par les Églises?

Les Églises noires historiques d’Amérique ont beau avoir été les figures de proue de l’évolution sur les questions raciales il y a une génération, les responsables d’Églises noires se retrouvent aujourd’hui confrontés à un contexte autrement plus complexe, hétérogène et frustrant.