Displaying 1 - 20 of 291

Week of Prayer brings fruits of the Spirit despite COVID-19

Prayer is a powerful way to be united as Christians from all over the world. Every year my church community in Cuba joins the celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with daily devotions and a special worship service, usually on Sundays. Being connected in the same prayerful spirit around a common text that turns into so many testimonies of faith is truly a gift of the Spirit and an ecumenical commitment.

The COVID-19 pandemic and community life: reflections and challenges

The Greek word Koinonia, which Paul especially uses in the New Testament, translates as community, communion, union, fellowship, participation, among other meanings. The term "solidarity" expresses the meaning of Koinonia. The community based on solidarity seeks peace, justice, well-being, the Shalom of the people. The word "coexistence" can also be equivalent of Koinonia, because it means to live in unity for several generations under the same roof or house. The "coexistence" leads us to take care of the integrity of creation, to recognize that we are not the only inhabitants of this house.

Pacific Conference of Churches on “the new normal”

In a 5 May message entitled “The Story of our Pacific Household in the ‘New Normal,’ ” the Pacific Conference of Churches acknowledges those risking their lives to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and expressed condolences to those who have lost loved ones.

WCC postpones seminar on transformative masculinity and femininity in Tonga

Taking into consideration the growing global concerns and implications of the current spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), the World Council of Churches (WCC) will postpone its annual Ecumenical Continuing Formation on Youth seminar in the Pacific to the end of the year 2020, with a date to be announced. The event was scheduled for June 2020 in Tonga.
The WCC is taking steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including cancelling or postponing certain meetings and limiting travels.

El CMI abre el plazo de solicitud para un seminario en Tonga sobre la masculinidad y la feminidad transformadoras.

Se ha abierto el plazo de solicitud para participar en un seminario de formación ecuménica continua del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) dirigido a los jóvenes que se celebrará en junio de 2020. El seminario, que se celebrará en Tonga, se centrará en la masculinidad y la feminidad transformadoras.

La fecha límite para las solicitudes es el 20 de marzo.

Das Ökumenische Wassernetzwerk des ÖRK fordert zu einem Pilgerweg der Wassergerechtigkeit in der Pazifik-Region auf

Die Auftaktveranstaltung des Fastenzeit-Kampagne „Sieben Wochen im Zeichen des Wassers“ fand am 21. Januar in Suva, Fidschi mit dem Thema „Ein Pilgerweg der Wassergerechtigkeit in der Pazifik-Region“ statt. 2020 hat der Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) einen regionalen Schwerpunkt in der Pazifik-Region.

La Red Ecuménica del Agua del CMI invita a una peregrinación por la justicia del agua en la región del Pacífico

Las actividades previas al lanzamiento de la campaña de Cuaresma “Siete Semanas para el Agua” tuvieron lugar en Suva (Fiyi) el 21 de enero, bajo el tema “Una peregrinación por la justicia del agua en la región del Pacífico”. En 2020, la peregrinación de justicia y paz del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) tiene un enfoque regional en la región del Pacífico.

Islands of hope: Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace focuses on Pacific region

“The Pacific Conference of Churches welcomes you on board our ecumenical canoe, as we sail and voyage together beyond the fringing reefs and rocks of the many issues that affect us here in the Pacific and globally, and set sail with our eyes firmly fixed on the island of hope,” said Rev. Dr James Bhagwan, Pacific Conference of Churches general secretary as he welcomed participants of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace to Fiji, on 20 January.

WCC leaders reiterate need for United States and Iran to step back from escalating conflict

In the aftermath of armed attacks by both the US and Iran, WCC reiterates its call for restraint and de-escalation of the confrontation.
“Further escalation and conflict between the United States and Iran can only serve short-term political interests, while threatening the permanent destruction of many lives, communities and precious cultural and environmental heritage,” said World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit. “I appeal to political leaders on all sides of this confrontation to put the interests of the people of the region ahead of their own interests, and to seek peace through dialogue and negotiation rather than confrontation.”

Dr. Saïd Ailabouni: Gott ist auf der Seite der Ausgeschlossenen, Unterdrückten, unter Besatzung Lebenden

Der in Nazareth (Galiläa) geborene Pastor Dr. Saïd Ailabouni ist mit 19 Jahren in die USA gegangen, um Arzt zu werden. Weil er aber so wütend auf Gott war, hat er stattdessen Theologie studiert und ist lutherischer Pastor geworden. Heute leitet er die für Europa und den Nahen Osten zuständige Abteilung der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Amerika. Seine Familie in Palästina hat er seit seiner Auswanderung vor 50 Jahren aber immer regelmäßig besucht. Im Vorfeld der Weltweiten Aktionswoche für Frieden in Palästina und Israel hat sich Ailabouni bereit erklärt, dem Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen etwas über die Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen zu erzählen, die er im Laufe seines Lebens gemacht hat.

Dr Saïd Ailabouni: God is on the side of rejected, oppressed, occupied

Born in Nazareth, Galilee, Rev. Dr Saïd Ailabouni moved to the US at the age of 19 to become a physician. But he was so angry at God that he went to study theology instead, becoming a Lutheran pastor. Now he is leading the Middle East & Europe desk of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Since leaving his hometown 50 years ago, he visits his Palestinian family regularly. As the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel approaches, Ailabouni agreed to share some of his lifetime observations with the Word Council of Churches.

Dr. Saïd Ailabouni: Dios está del lado de los rechazados, de los oprimidos, de los que viven una situación de ocupación

Nacido en Nazaret (Galilea), el Rev. Dr. Saïd Ailabouni se mudó a los Estados Unidos a la edad de 19 años para estudiar medicina, pero estaba tan enojado con Dios que acabó estudiando teología y convirtiéndose en un pastor luterano. Actualmente, dirige el departamento para Oriente Medio y Europa de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en Estados Unidos. Desde que dejó su ciudad natal hace 50 años, visita a su familia palestina regularmente. Al acercarse la Semana Mundial por la Paz en Palestina e Israel, el Rev. Dr. Ailabouni aceptó compartir algunas de las reflexiones que ha realizado durante su vida con el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias.