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As Morocco devastated by earthquake, WCC calls for prayer and solidarity

After the deadliest earthquake to hit Morocco in decades took more than 1,000 lives, and the death toll continued to grow, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay called for prayer and solidarity from the WCC global fellowship and from all people of good will across the world.

Conflitos assolam Moçambique há décadas, mas as igrejas estão sempre presentes

O povo de Moçambique enfrenta constantes conflitos há séculos, desde os tempos do domínio colonial português e a guerra civil que o seguiu (que só terminou neste século), e agora com o Daesh e, ao mesmo tempo, o inimigo invisível do COVID-19. Não é de se espantar, portanto, que as igrejas do país tenham sempre tido muitíssimo a fazer como pacificadoras locais.

WCC seminar in Mozambique shows vital role of diakonia

The last of three capacity-building seminars on Human Resources and Church Leadership for Diakonia and Development took place in Maputo, Mozambique, 18-20 June. This most recent seminar was for Portuguese speakers in Africa, with participants coming mainly from Angola and Mozambique. The first two seminars - for French and English speakers respectively - were held in May in Cotonou, Bénin, and Nairobi, Kenya.

Churches call for support amid devastation caused by Cyclone Idai

More than 100,000 people are still stranded from massive flooding caused by a devastating cyclone and heavy rainfall in Mozambique and neighbouring southeastern African countries. As the numbers of victims and people displaced are still unfolding, churches in the region are calling everyone to join in prayers for the wellbeing and protection of those affected.

WCC contributes to contextual theologies course in Morocco

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Theological Education programme has, for the second time, contributed to ecumenical capacity development in Morocco. The WCC helped instruct a course on contextual theologies and African theologies at the Ecumenical Theological Institute Al Mowafaqa in Rabat.

Ecumenical groups join in UN forum on business and human rights in Geneva

The huge impacts of businesses on the communities in which they operate often bring benefits, but companies can disregard and even harm people’s rights in pursuit of economic gain. The WCC, ACT Alliance and the Lutheran World Federation hosted a side event at the 6th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva on 28 November, in this context.

Food and land justice focus of Mozambique workshop

A workshop in Mozambique examined the connections between finance on the one hand and food and land on the other. Titled “From the Financialization of Food to Life-giving Agriculture,” the workshop took place in Maputo from 7-11 December. It was organized by the WCC together with Bread for All and was hosted by the Christian Council of Mozambique.

Ecumenical Patriarch: Survival of God’s creation is at stake

We have come a long way but have made little progress, stated Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, in his message to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), referring to 22 years of UN conventions as an unacceptably long period to respond to the environmental crisis.

Faith groups march for climate justice

A lively and youthful, but demanding, voice of the faith groups was heard clearly in the streets of Marrakech last Sunday, where a joint group from the ACT Alliance, the Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches (WCC) marched among several thousand activists to demand environmental justice during the United Nations (UN) climate conference COP22.

COP22 media pack available from ecumenical groups

ACT Alliance, the Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches have put together a comprehensive kit to offer to the media. It highlights basic information about their some of their experts attending COP22 who are able to speak about climate change from the perspective of faith communities. We have speakers who represent a broad range of experience on climate change.

Faith communities explore concrete climate action at COP22

Joining efforts to explore how to move from dependency on fossil fuel to a sustainable future, faith representatives gathered at the Indonesian Pavilion at COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco on 8 November, for an event hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Advocates urge transition to low-carbon economy, clean energy

Delegations from the ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation and WCC at the United Nations climate conference in Marrakech, Morocco are jointly demanding a more rapid transition to a low-carbon economy based on clean energy in order to stem rising global temperatures.