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2025 – An Ecumenical Year on the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity

In seeking to renew the quest for unity of the churches and of all humanity, the WCC and the wider ecumenical fellowship find inspiration in two major anniversaries that fall in 2025, the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council at Nicaea in 325 and the 100th anniversary of the Universal Christian Conference on Life and Work in Stockholm in 1925.

This brochure highlights WCC activities and events that will commemorate these two events, but also a number of other significant anniversaries.

«Soyons celles et ceux qui font montre d’une réelle volonté», déclare le président de la commission pour le climat du COE

Le président de la Commission pour la justice climatique et le développement durable du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), l’archevêque Julio Murray Thompson, livre ses réflexions lors d’une entrevue vidéo donnée au COE sur les défis que doit relever la commission, les partenariats qu’elle compte nouer et la manière dont elle prévoit d’impliquer les jeunes.

Toward the Sixth World Conference on Faith and Order

Commemorating the Council of Nicaea: Where Now for Visible Unity?

The Sixth World Conference on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches (WCC) will take place from 24 to 28 October 2025 near Alexandria, Egypt, around the theme “Where now for visible unity?” The conference will be the centrepiece of the WCC’s activities to mark the 1700th anniversary of the first Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, a key moment in the history of Christian faith and for the ecumenical journey today.
This booklet provides the context for and overview of the proposed conference.

ACT Alliance general secretary: “equity is not negotiable”

As the 78th session of the UN General Assembly and the first-ever Climate Action Summit were held in New York City in September, ACT Alliance general secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria reflected on the importance of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the ecumenical movement in creating a more sustainable and equitable world.

Recognizing autism as a disability

As a parent of an autistic child, it is important for me not only to embrace and accept that my child has autism but also to raise awareness on autism. We are all called upon to champion acceptance, embrace, appreciate, and accept autistic people as valued members of the community. 

DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality

Technology has impacted our lives in a big way but this is just as well because it has given us a window into the future where we are told that technology and humans will continue to shape and influence each other in a symbiotic relationship. This therefore calls on us to create a more inclusive and equitable cyber environment for all, recognising the significant opportunities and risks that the digital space poses especially for persons with disabilities.

Le COE réaffirme l’importance de la mission et du service diaconaux

Le pasteur Matthew Ross, directeur du programme du COE pour la diaconie et le renforcement des capacités de 2018 à 2023, livre ses réflexions sur l’accueil réservé au document qu’il a édité, «Appelés à la Transformation – Diaconie œcuménique», qui confirme l’importance de la mission et du service diaconaux.

WCC reaffirms importance of diaconal service and mission

Rev. Matthew Ross, who served as WCC programme executive for Diakonia and Capacity Building from 2018-2023, reflects on how the document Called to Transformation – Ecumenical Diakonia,” which he edited, is being received in ways that affirm the importance of diaconal service and mission.

Christ’s Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity: Report of the WCC 11th Assembly

The Report of the WCC 11th Assembly is an important element of a wider collection of resources that offers a flavour of what took place at the assembly in Karlsruhe in 2022, which gathered more than 4500 people, including 659 official delegates from the WCC’s 352 member churches around the theme “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.”

This report includes an overview of the assembly, the message and unity statement, various reflections, an overview of the spiritual life of the assembly, reports of the work since the previous assembly, an overview of thematic plenaries and ecumenical conversations, reports of assembly committees, statements and minutes, messages from pre-assemblies, greetings to the assembly and various appendices.

Appelés à la Transformation - Diaconie oecuménique

A joint publication of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and ACT Alliance, this study document aims to clarify the understanding of ecumenical diakonia and to provide a common platform for acting and reflecting together for the churches and ecumenical partners worldwide. 

The major publication outlines the theological components of diakonia and offers practical content for those engaged in the service of diakonia. The study document is intended to be used for formation and training in ecumenical diakonia, to strengthen the institutional capacity of those involved in diakonia, and to foster dialogue and cooperation between churches, ecumenical partners, ACT Alliance and the WCC.

Report on the Ecumenical Conversations at the WCC 11th Assembly

This book is a collection of all the reports of 23 ecumenical conversations addressing different issues pertinent to the unity of churches and their common witness and service to the world that took place at the WCC's 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe. It presents the deliberations and the ensuing affirmations and challenges that the participants saw as imperatives for the work of the WCC and the wider ecumenical movement in the 2023-2030 strategic period until the 12th Assembly takes place. 

The report from each conversation contains an abstract, short notes on the proceedings, and a list of key affirmations and challenges to guide the fellowship in reflecting and acting on the issues identified.