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Pour Mama Shamsa, l’humanité nourrit la spiritualité

Une femme qui travaille avec des jeunes au Kenya — des jeunes qui jadis ont perpétré des crimes odieux — a fait fondre en larmes un groupe de jeunes chrétiens, juifs et musulmans; des larmes de compassion et de joie suscitées par son parcours marqué par une éducation dure et ses efforts pour détourner ces jeunes de la criminalité et les réinsérer dans la communauté.

Right Rev. Dr Emily Onyango has a message for young people: “God is on your side”

Right Rev. Dr Emily Onyango, assistant bishop, Anglican Diocese of Bondo, Kenya, was ordained in 1987—the second woman priest ordained in all of east Africa—and appointed as assistant bishop in 2021. She also serves as a lecturer for St Pauls University. Below, she reflects on her path to becoming a church leader, the resistance she encountered, and her message to young people today.

African Churches mark International Women’s Day

As African churches joined the rest of the world in marking International Women’s Day, pastors, gender experts and activists called for a critical evaluation and strengthening systems to ensure gender justice and equality in churches and society.

COVID and the challenge of holistic humanity

While traveling from the border of South Sudan on a remote dirt road toward the Ugandan town of Kitgum, my companion and I were flagged down by two men. They were carrying their paralyzed friend to Kitgum Hospital and asked if we would give them a lift. Routine as the question may seem, the choice was not an easy one.  The year was 2007, and while the Lord’s Resistance Army had been mainly cleared out, sympathizers remained, and picking up travelers was risky. Pietro, the South Sudan country director who was traveling with me, turned and said, “You’re the logistics officer, what do we do?”