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Oración por el Día Mundial de la Salud Domingo, 7 de abril de 2024

Con el Ciclo Ecuménico de Oración, oramos por los pueblos y las iglesias de Rumanía, Hungría y Bulgaria.

El Día Mundial de la Salud es el 7 de abril, fecha en que la Organización Mundial de la Salud conmemora su 76.º aniversario. Este año el tema es "Mi salud, mi derecho", que nos recuerda que debemos abogar por un acceso equitativo a los servicios de salud y trabajar por un mundo más sano e inclusivo.   

WCC Programmes

World Health Day Prayer Sunday 7 April 2024

With the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle, we pray for the people and churches of Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria.

World Health Day is April 7 when the World Health Organization commemorates its 76th anniversary. This year the theme is 'My Health, My Right, which reminds us to advocate for equitable access to health services and work towards a healthier, more inclusive world.  

WCC Programmes

Faith Actors Reflect on Their Role in Reaching HIV Goals at ICASA

From 4 to 9 December 2023, thousands of people convened in Harare, Zimbabwe, for the 22nd International Conference on Aids and STIs in Africa (ICASA). Scientists, medical experts, advocates, people living with HIV, and civil society organizations came together under the theme “AIDS IS NOT OVER: Address inequalities; accelerate inclusion and innovation.” Participants from many faith traditions were a meaningful part of many of these representative groups but also took up a space of their own.