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Young people speak out on safe spaces—and what churches need to do

During a webinar on 25 April, young people shared their honest perspectives on safe spaces” in faith communities. They talked about the characteristics of a safe space—and what churches can do better, particularly when working with issues related to HIV and reproductive health.

WCC, WHO commemorate 50 years of collaboration

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are celebrating 50 years of collaboration. Their work together includes strategizing, publications, seminars, webinars, and responding to crises such as HIV, the Ebola outbreak, and COVID-19 pandemic. 

Recueil: De Pratiques Prometteuses dans les interventions des communautés religieuses en Afrique contre le VIH chez les enfants et les adolescents

Résumé Analytique

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

Ce rapport vital compile des enseignements essentiels tirés du rôle moteur exceptionnel des communautés religieuses pour combattre le VIH chez les enfants. Il documente des données sur le rôle fondamental joué par les communautés religieuses pour identifier les enfants non diagnostiqués vivant avec le VIH, améliorer la continuité du traitement et soutenir l’adhésion aux soins et au traitement. Il répertorie également les enseignements tirés de la manière dont les responsables religieux ont mené des actions de plaidoyer pour s’attaquer à la stigmatisation et la discrimination et oeuvrer en faveur de la réalisation des objectifs. Il permettra aux communautés religieuses, et à tous leurs soutiens et partenaires, de promouvoir un changement de taille dans les activités pour mettre fin au SIDA chez les enfants d’ici à 2030.

Compendium of Promising Practices of African Faith Community Interventions against Paediatric and Adolescent HIV

Executive Summary

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium in 2023. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

This vital report brings together essential lessons from faith communities’ exceptional leadership in addressing the challenge of HIV in children. It documents evidence from the core roles that faith communities have played in identifying undiagnosed children living with HIV, improving the continuity of treatment, and supporting adherence to care and treatment. It also documents lessons from how faith leaders have driven advocacy to tackle stigma and discrimination and push for targets to be achieved. It will help faith communities and those who support and partner with them to advance a step change in progress towards the goal of ending AIDS in children by 2030.

Acoger la unidad, la fe y la esperanza: una conversación con Samson Waweru

Samson Waweru, un keniano con discapacidad visual, ocupa el cargo de director ejecutivo de la Sociedad de Invidentes de Kenia, en virtud del cual es responsable de ejecutar el mandato integral de asistir a las personas invidentes y con discapacidad visual de Kenia. Sus objetivos combinan los ámbitos de la prevención, la educación, la rehabilitación, el empleo y el bienestar general. Más allá de sus responsabilidades profesionales, Samson también trabaja en calidad de vicepresidente de la Catedral de San Cosme y San Damián de Nairobi, lo que demuestra su dedicación tanto a las obligaciones profesionales como espirituales.

Embrasser l’unité, la foi et l’espérance: conversation avec Samson Waweru

Samson Waweru, un Kényan malvoyant, est directeur exécutif de la Société kényane des aveugles. Dans le cadre de son large mandat, il lui revient de soutenir les personnes aveugles et malvoyantes au Kenya. Il se concentre sur des domaines tels que la prévention, l’éducation, la réadaptation, l’emploi et le bien-être dans son ensemble. Samson est également vice-président de la Cathédrale des saints Côme et Damien à Nairobi, illustration de son attachement à ses obligations tant professionnelles que spirituelles.

Embracing unity, faith, and hope: a conversation with Samson Waweru

Samson Waweru, a visually impaired Kenyan, holds the position of executive director at the Kenya Society for the Blind. In this capacity, he is responsible for executing a comprehensive mandate aimed at assisting blind and visually impaired individuals in Kenya. His focus encompasses areas such as prevention, education, rehabilitation, employment, and overall welfare. Beyond his professional duties, Samson also serves as the vice-chair of the St Cosmas and Damianos Cathedral in Nairobi, showcasing his dedication to both his professional and spiritual obligations.

Faith Actors Reflect on Their Role in Reaching HIV Goals at ICASA

From 4 to 9 December 2023, thousands of people convened in Harare, Zimbabwe, for the 22nd International Conference on Aids and STIs in Africa (ICASA). Scientists, medical experts, advocates, people living with HIV, and civil society organizations came together under the theme “AIDS IS NOT OVER: Address inequalities; accelerate inclusion and innovation.” Participants from many faith traditions were a meaningful part of many of these representative groups but also took up a space of their own.

Las iglesias de África acuerdan directrices para la inclusión de la discapacidad

“Tengo parálisis cerebral con cuadriplejia espástica, lo que significa que todas mis extremidades están gravemente afectadas”. A pesar de esto, mi parálisis cerebral no me define. Soy mucho más que mi parálisis cerebral”, dijo Julius Van der Wat, miembro de la Iglesia Reformada Holandesa de Pretoria (Sudáfrica), en una reciente conferencia de las iglesias sobre discapacidad celebrada en Sudáfrica.

Les Églises en Afrique approuvent des lignes directrices sur l’inclusion du handicap

«Je suis atteint de paralysie cérébrale, de quadriplégie spastique, ce qui veut dire que tous mes membres sont gravement touchés par ma paralysie cérébrale. Or, je ne suis pas pour autant défini par elle. Je suis bien plus que ma paralysie cérébrale», a déclaré Julius Van Der Wat, membre de l’Église réformée néerlandaise à Pretoria, en Afrique du Sud, lors d’une récente conférence des Églises sur le handicap dans le pays.

Churches in Africa agree on guidelines for disability inclusion

I have cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegia, meaning all of my limbs are severely affected by my cerebral. However, I am not defined by my cerebral palsy. There's much more to me than my cerebral palsy,” Julius Van Der Wat, a member of the Dutch Reformed Church in Pretoria, South Africa, told a recent churches’ disability conference in South Africa.

Faith leaders in Tanzania vouch for disability health rights and services

As the world marks the 16 Days of Activism on Gender Based Violence, religious leaders, human rights activists, and development partners in Tanzania joined on 5 December to discuss the human rights of girls and women, including those with disabilities, in a forum titled “Wealth of Knowledge and a Wealth of Care.”