Displaying 1 - 20 of 21

A faith-based, holistic approach to HIV and AIDS-care

In a country now counting 100 million inhabitants, and where 2.5 percent are added annually, it is increasingly hard for the government to keep pace with the needs of its people. “In this challenging environment, the work of non-governmental organisations is critical in order to ease the burden on public service institutions”, explains Dr Maged Moussa Yanny, general director of EpiscoCare.

WCC mourns passing of Metropolitan Anba Bishoy of Damietta

The World Council of Churches is mourning the passing of Metropolitan Bishoy of Damietta, Kafr El-Sheikh, Barary, and the Monastery of Saint Demiana of the Coptic Orthodox Church. One of the senior and most influential Coptic Orthodox Prelates of the modern era, he has made extensive contributions in the areas of Pan-Orthodox unity, dialogue and ecumenism. He was a close colleague of the late Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria.

ÖRK würdigt Marie Bassili Assaad

Marie Bassili Assaad, eine ökumenische Führungsfigur und 1980 bis 1986 Stellvertretende ÖRK-Generalsekretärin, ist am 30. August im Alter von 96 Jahren gestorben. Sie wurde am 2. September in Ägypten beigesetzt.

WCC offers tribute to Marie Bassili Assaad

Marie Bassili Assaad, an ecumenical leader who was WCC deputy general secretary from 1980 to 1986, passed away on 30 August, at the age of 96. Her funeral took place in Egypt on 2 September.

Ein sicherer Ort für sündige Menschen, um sich zu ändern und Schmerz zu teilen

Die Kirche muss ein sicherer Ort sein, an dem sündige Menschen aufgenommen werden, um aus ihren Fehlern zu lernen und sich zu ändern, und an dem diejenigen, denen Wunden zugefügt wurden, ihren Schmerz teilen und eine Zuflucht finden können, sagt Maria Dous, Medizinstudentin aus Ägypten. Im Juli nahm sie an einem Seminar teil, das vom Ökumenischen Netzwerks zur Stärkung von Frauen afrikanischer Herkunft (PAWEEN) veranstaltet wurde.

A safe space for sinners to change and for pain to be shared

Church must be a safe place where sinners are welcome to learn and change, and where the wounded can share their pains and find refuge, says Maria Dous, a medical student from Egypt. In July, she participated in a seminar organized by the Pan African Women’s Ecumenical Empowerment Network at the WCC's Ecumenical Institute Bossey.

Women in development create space for hope in Egypt

The Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) in Egypt is working on an advanced gender approach. In a country which is facing enormous challenges, more than ever a development agency has to be up to date on the needs of the people.

“There are no strangers here” – Saint Irenaeus a key to unity?

How can the early founding fathers of the church inform us as Christians in the 21st century, what stands at the centre of their theology, and how can we continue to envision a future of unity in the church? The questions were numerous as scholars, students and theologians met at the Anaphora Institute near Cairo, Egypt, to explore the theme of “Saint Irenaeus and Enlightened Humanity” on 14-16 December.

Arbeit vor Ort und auf globaler Ebene rettet Leben

Es regnet, es ist kalt und windig. Der Herbst ist im Anzug im Norden Griechenlands. Soeben sind wir im Flüchtlingslager Idomeni im nördlichen Griechenland angekommen, an der Grenze zwischen Griechenland und der ehemaligen jugoslawischen Republik Mazedonien. Der drohende Wintereinbruch stellt für die Flüchtlinge eine ebenso große Bedrohung dar wie die Schlepper. Im schlimmsten Fall bringt der Winter den Tod.

Local and global work saves lives

It is raining. It is cold and windy. Autumn is in the air in northern Greece. We have just arrived at the Idomeni refugee camp in northern Greece, on the border between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). The fast-approaching winter poses as great a threat to the refugees as do the smugglers. In the worst case, winter means death.