Displaying 1 - 20 of 30

Junge Menschen in Afrika sind bereit, Herausforderungen zu meistern

Junge afrikanische Geistliche, Theologinnen und Theologen sowie Laien sind bereit, die herausfordernden Problem ihres Kontinents und der Welt in Angriff zu nehmen. Dies ging aus einem kürzlich vom Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) in Partnerschaft mit der Gesamtafrikanischen Kirchenkonferenz (AACC) durchgeführten Aufsatzwettbewerb für Autorinnen und Autoren unter 35 Jahren hervor.

Young Africans are eager to grapple with challenges

Young African clergy, theologians and laypersons are eager to engage with the challenging issues facing their continent and the world. This became clear in a recent essay competition for authors below 35 years by the World Council of Churches (WCC) in partnership with the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC).

Trauma healing, ‘hurting hearts’ focus of workshop in South Sudan

A workshop co-facilitated by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the South Sudan Council of Churches in South Sudan on 1-3 May drew 18 people to explore resources churches use to aid in trauma healing. Participants also discussed potential common approaches that could unite churches in their response to people faced with trauma.

A tribute to Rev. Dr Rena Joyce Weller Karefa-Smart

The life of Rev. Dr Rena Joyce Weller Karefa-Smart is being remembered and commended this week by the WCC fellowship after her passing last week. Karefa-Smart was the first Pan African woman to graduate in 1945 from Yale Divinity School. She was a champion for global ecumenism over the course of a long and distinguished career. An attendee of the first WCC Assembly, she was also a procession leader and author of the liturgies at the second WCC Assembly in Evanston, Illinois (USA).

Doing his best without being the best

Last week, the chairperson of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network, bishop Arnold Temple from The Methodist Church Sierra Leone, came to Stockholm to participate in the World Water Week, which is the world’s leading annual water event where experts and decision-makers from all over the world gather to strengthen the systems and processes that govern access to – and protection of – fresh water.

Bishop Arnold Temple urges respect for the right to water

You wouldn’t pay two thousand times more than the value of a cup of coffee, so why pay that for a glass of water? That’s one of the reasons why members of the World Council of Churches’s Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) are encouraging you to consider joining the “Blue Community” and to stop using bottled water in places where tap water is safely and freely available.

“Good healthcare a right, not a privilege,” says WCC-EAA

The World Council of Churches - Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance endorses a newly expanded collaboration on HIV between the Medicine Patent Pool and Gilead. On 4 October, the MPP announced a licence with Gilead Sciences for bictegravir, a new integrase inhibitor part of a once-daily, single-tablet HIV regimen currently filed for regulatory approval at the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Union.

ÖRK lädt zur Aktionswoche für Nahrung ein, in diesem Jahr der Hungersnöte

Vom 15. bis 20. Oktober 2017 lädt das Ökumenische Aktionsbündnis des Ökumeni­schen Rates der Kirchen erneut Kirchen auf der ganzen Welt ein, sich einer Kirchlichen Aktionswoche für Nahrung anzuschließen, einer Gelegenheit zum Gebet, zur Reflexion und zum gemeinsamen Handeln für Nahrungsmittel­ge­rechtig­keit rund um den Globus.

Kirchenleitende in Sierra Leone: „Bitte betet weiter mit uns“

Sierra Leone musste Hunderte von Tote begraben, die bei einem Erdrutsch in ihren Häusern in der Nähe der Hauptstadt Freetown ums Leben gekommen sind. „Bitte betet weiter mit uns“, forderte Bischof Arnold Temple von der Methodistenkirche in Sierra Leone alle Gläubigen auf.

Partnership and mapping are a priority for WCC health and healing programme executive Mwai Makoka

Working as a medical doctor in his home country Malawi seems to have given Dr Mwai Makoka ideal experience for his task of programme executive for Health and Healing at the WCC. He has experience in medical microbiology, HIV and AIDS, working for both government and church-based institutions after graduating as a doctor in Malawi, a country accustomed to working with church-run hospitals.

“It’s time to be brave, to form diverse partnerships”

“How can we work together, to share what it is in our hands, share the work that is before us? How can we empower one another, capacity-build our religious leaders and mobilize our congregations, to be more proactive in health-promoting issues?”

“Health and healing for all people, that is the challenge”

“So much has changed, and yet so much remains the same. Global public health structures have changed, yet gross inequalities still exist – between developed and under-developed countries, between rich and poor, and the vision for equitable health care still lies in the far distance. Primary health care remains a task unfinished.”