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Geistige Wegzehrung bekommen wir, „wenn wir Menschlichkeit praktizieren“, sagt Mama Shamsa

Eine Frau, die mit jungen Menschen in Kenia arbeitet – meistens junge Männer, die einmal schreckliche Verbrechen begangen haben –, hat eine Gruppe junger Menschen christlichen, jüdischen und muslimischen Glaubens zu Tränen des Mitgefühls und der Freude gerührt, als sie über ihre harte Erziehung berichtete und wie sie junge Erwachsene dabei unterstützt, der Gewalt zu entsagen und sich der Gemeinschaft zuzuwenden.

Why theology must occupy social media

I see five imperatives for theologians (prophetic, pastoral and priestly), to occupy the social media space, which is currently dominated by politics (politricks), business (including profiteers), entertainers (artists, sports, etc.), economists, lawyers, etc.

COVID and the challenge of holistic humanity

While traveling from the border of South Sudan on a remote dirt road toward the Ugandan town of Kitgum, my companion and I were flagged down by two men. They were carrying their paralyzed friend to Kitgum Hospital and asked if we would give them a lift. Routine as the question may seem, the choice was not an easy one.  The year was 2007, and while the Lord’s Resistance Army had been mainly cleared out, sympathizers remained, and picking up travelers was risky. Pietro, the South Sudan country director who was traveling with me, turned and said, “You’re the logistics officer, what do we do?”