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Geistige Wegzehrung bekommen wir, „wenn wir Menschlichkeit praktizieren“, sagt Mama Shamsa

Eine Frau, die mit jungen Menschen in Kenia arbeitet – meistens junge Männer, die einmal schreckliche Verbrechen begangen haben –, hat eine Gruppe junger Menschen christlichen, jüdischen und muslimischen Glaubens zu Tränen des Mitgefühls und der Freude gerührt, als sie über ihre harte Erziehung berichtete und wie sie junge Erwachsene dabei unterstützt, der Gewalt zu entsagen und sich der Gemeinschaft zuzuwenden.

WCC appalled by murder of Deborah Yakubu in Sokoto, Nigeria

World Council of Churches (WCC) acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca expressed the revulsion of the global fellowship of churches at the murder of Deborah Yakubu, a second-year college student beaten to death and burnt by a group of her fellow students in Sokoto, northern Nigeria.

Internationales Zentrum für interreligiösen Frieden und Eintracht feiert fünfjähriges Bestehen und zunehmende Bedeutung als Vorhut der Friedensarbeit

In den Jahren seit seiner Gründung 2016  hat das Internationale Zentrum für interreligiösen Frieden und Eintracht in Kaduna, Nigeria einen Mitarbeiterstab aufgebaut, der sich im Rahmen seiner Friedensarbeit für ein religionsübergreifendes, harmonisches und konfliktfreies Zusammenleben der Menschen einsetzt. Das Zentrum dient ebenfalls weiterhin als ein konkretes Symbol, das christlichen und muslimischen Gläubigen dabei hilft, ihre Zusammenarbeit effektiver zu gestalten.

Religious leaders in Uganda strive to empower adolescents

As they met with the staff from the World Council Churches (WCC) Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy programme, religious leaders in Uganda realized they are well-placed to empower adolescents and young people with knowledge and skills to negotiate issues relating to sexuality.

Mission and people with disabilities

How much is the mission of the church related to people with disabilities? These days we talk a lot about inclusive societies and churches. But, have we arrived there? Are our societies and churches taking seriously the problems and challenges that people with disabilities face on a daily basis? People with disabilities find themselves quite often at the margins of the societies and even of the churches.

New issue: International Review of Mission

The latest issue of the International Review of Mission, the biannual journal of the WCC contains a selection of articles which were on the one hand given as key lectures at the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in Arusha from 8-13 March 2018 and on the other hand articles from Missiologists from all over the world, including Catholic, Pentecostal, Protestant and Orthodox voices, asking about “Mission quo vadis after Arusha?”.

Rev. Dr Shanta Premawardhana: ‘Seeds of peace come from the ground’

“The seeds of peace come from the ground.” That is the vision that Rev. Dr Shanta Premawardhana, former director of Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation at the World Council of Churches and now president of OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership, tries to follow with his organization.

Church of the Lord in Nigeria called women to pastoral work from its founding

The primate of The Church of the Lord, Aladura, Worldwide, an African initiated church founded in 1925 talks with pride about how the founder had a calling from God to have women serving with men in pastoral work. Primate Rev. Dr Rufus Okikiolaolu Ositelu, metropolitan archbishop of the church visited Geneva and the WCC on 29-30 January.

Walking together against hatred and violence

When more than 100 religious leaders and other actors from around the world gathered at the UN in Vienna in mid-February, it was a manifestation of unity between religious and non-religious organizations, and a genuine commitment to cooperate in dealing with hate speech and incitement to violence that could lead to atrocity crimes.

Konrad Raiser spricht über den ökumenischen Weg der Verwandlung

Während fast seines gesamten Erwachsenenlebens war Konrad Raiser auf einem ökumenischen Weg unterwegs. Der ehemalige ÖRK-Generalsekretär spricht in seiner neusten Veröffentlichung „The Challenge of Transformation: An Ecumenical Journey“ über diesen Pilgerweg. Am 5. Februar, kurz nach Raisers 80. Geburtstag, trafen sich in Genf verschiedene Generationen, Konfessionen und Nationalitäten zur Diskussion über das eben erschienene Buch.

Konrad Raiser shares ecumenical journey of transformation

Rev. Dr Konrad Raiser has been on an ecumenical journey for most of his adult life, which spans 80 years. The former WCC general secretary relates some of this pilgrimage in his newest publication, “The Challenge of Transformation: An Ecumenical Journey.” On 5 February, shortly after Raiser’s birthday, ecumenical experts from different generations, confessions and continents met in Geneva to discuss the newest publication by the man who led the WCC from 1993 to 2003.