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ÖRK und Ortskirchen zeigen sich tief besorgt über das Gesetz zum jüdischen Nationalstaat

Kirchenoberhäupter in Israel und in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten haben mit Bestürzung und Sorge auf die Verabschiedung eines neuen Gesetzes am 19. Juli in der israelischen Knesset reagiert, wonach Israel der Nationalstaat des jüdischen Volkes ist. Das bedeutet, dass „das Recht zur Ausübung nationaler Selbstbestimmung im Staate Israel ausschließlich dem jüdischen Volk vorbehalten ist.“

WCC and local churches express deep concern about Jewish Nation-State Law

Heads of churches in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories have reacted with dismay and concern to the Israeli Knesset’s adoption on 19 July 2018 of a new Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, which specifies that “The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.”

In gemeinsamem Protest schließen Jerusalemer Kirchenoberhäupter Grabeskirche

In einem äußert ungewöhnlichen Schritt haben die Oberhäupter der Jerusalemer Kirchen am Sonntag die Grabeskirche geschlossen. Die gemeinsame Protestaktion war eine Antwort auf Pläne der Jerusalemer Behörden, Steuern in Millionenhöhe von den Kirchen nachzufordern, sowie auf das Gesetzesvorhaben, das die Enteignung von den Kirchen gehörendem Grund und Boden ermöglichen würde.

In united protest, Jerusalem church leaders close Church of the Holy Sepulchre

In a highly unusual action, the leaders of Jerusalem’s churches closed the doors of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Sunday. The united protest was in response to moves by Jerusalem authorities to begin collecting tens of millions of dollars in taxes from churches, as well as proposed legislation to confiscate church-owned land.

A grain of hope for justice and peace in the Holy Land

Every morning a cheerful and articulate man arrives at his office in East Jerusalem with at least a grain of hope. Dr Bernard Sabella has devoted his entire life to the rights of the Palestinian people. In his job as the executive director of Department of Services to Palestinian Refugees, he encounters issues concerning the Palestinian-Israeli relationship daily.

‘Unprecedented times of hopelessness’ in Holy Land

For Ramzi Zananiri, executive director of Jerusalem and the West bank at the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees, which is part of the Middle East Council of Churches, the current situation in the Holy Land is "heart-breaking", and he says the Palestinians are "hostages" under troublesome realities.

Syrian crisis poses challenges in Palestinian refugee camps

During the 29 years Virgine Nasrawi has worked in the Talbiah refugee camp, located 40 kilometers south of Amman, the Jordanian capital, she has witnessed many changes. And the sudden influx of refugees from neighbouring Syria, caused by the devastating civil war in that country, is the most dramatic.